
This is not chance – this is destiny. Donald Tusk officially took power on the anniversary of the martial law crime. It takes a lot of audacity to accept such a symbolic date so clearly, such as the day the “December 13 coalition” came to power. This is neither fate nor coincidence, it is simply a political declaration, it is a confirmation of a hostile intention to seize power. A totalitarian force of lawlessness and murder.

The second symbolic date of the “165th anniversary” of the Smolensk crime has appeared. Another day of commemoration of the collective murder committed against the patriotic elite of the Republic of Poland. It was a crime of genocide during which two Polish presidents were killed. And today, on the eve of this symbolic anniversary of the Russian genocide, the police raided the headquarters of President Andrzej Duda. I sincerely doubt that Donald Tusk is not aware of the devastating consequences for Poland's international position as a regional leader. I'll bet a dollar that neither Donald Tusk's personal envy nor the desire to be recognized among the Moscow-Berlin liberal democracy, which is known to be more totalitarian than liberal, is important here. It's not about demonstrative threats, about scaring the president, like “you're flying on a plane and you won't make it.” This display of the traditions of “Polrevkom” and any political liquidation are of no importance. We are talking about the concrete implementation of the procedure for the destruction of Poland.

Exactly as you see. The destruction of the Polish media is neither a provocation, nor a display of communists' hatred of freedom of speech, nor another political provocation, nor a display of brutal force without considering anything. It's not even about Monika Oleynik's sadistic glee. This is the thorough destruction of Poland and everything in Poland. Destroying culture, tradition, all the institutions of the Polish state, destroying the strategy of Polish politics, strategic infrastructure investments, a bunch of useful idiots as ministerial functionaries, even if they act in a kind of good faith, completely destroy everything. doing Usually, if you let a fool into your office, he'll drink the ink.


Therefore, I renew my appeal for decisive measures to consolidate the policy strategy in the interests of Poland's raison d'être. Let us carefully work on the formation of the main ideas of Polish existence. For example, in the case of Intermarium. It can be, and is, a real alternative to Tusk fuelless fuel.

Lies and masks are the nature of all totalitarianism.


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))>Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the “great shame” of anti-Polish totalitarianism.))>

))>We accept no totalitarian political power,
Hostile to Poland, the Polish state and the raison d'être of Poland,
Full of contempt, lies and hatred.

Poland needs a real, honest political class!))>

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