Donald Tusk did not answer any of the questions put to him by the journalists of TVN24, Polsat and neo-TVP in the interview given in the prime minister's office, although it was not so difficult. Therefore, the Führer of the Junta of December 13 was free to write an absurd narrative full of lies about the “rule of law” – which he would restore using the methods of Hitler and Stalin. That is, as he understands the law.

Commenting on the interview with the Führer, Internet users drew attention to the servile attitude of the interviewing journalists. However, a question was asked that should freeze anyone who knows who Hitler was and the Holocaust. A question related to the Holocaust was asked by Tusk's minor, TVP journalist Marek Čiž – Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz forcibly introduced Neo-TVP: “The reconciliation that you talked about for a moment is the kind of reconciliation that will be funded – I hope – by politicians, but I think that reconciliation, in the sense that you talked about in the campaign, has to involve about 7 million people. 12th century. And I wonder what your plans are for this, because yesterday you saw the paintings in the streets of Warsaw, you heard me, I won't quote you, I think you also remembered the quotes about yourself perfectly. This 7 million will not disappear. Do you have any plans to solve this problem?” – We heard from a Neo-TV journalist.

Let us remind you that Adolf Hitler also had a problem similar to Tusk with 6 million Jews who did not want to reconcile with Hitler and the NSDAP. Adolf Hitler solved this problem, but not immediately…

When the Nazis came to power in Germany (let's add that also as a result of elections!), they did not immediately start mass murdering people. However, they quickly began persecuting the Jews through the government and excluding them from German society. The Nazi regime's anti-Semitic actions included passing discriminatory laws and coordinating violence against German Jews. Nazi persecution of Jews became increasingly extreme between 1933 and 1945. This radicalization culminated in a plan that Nazi commanders called the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.” The “Final Solution” was the planned, organized mass murder of European Jews. The Nazi regime carried out this genocide between 1941 and 1945, killing 6 million Jews.

The Holocaust, also called the Hebrew word “Shoah,” which means “destruction” in Polish, is back a hundred years after Hitler's rule, as pointed out by the sober neojournalist Chizy. This problem is back in Poland, where the problem for neo-Hitler is more than 7 million Poles who did not vote for Tusk and the junta of December 13. Catholics are among them, whom the Nazi party announced before the elections that it would “sign up” and take away their rights “not to raise their heads again”!

Two members of PiS are in prison today and as the Fuhrer of the Junta himself said on December 13th, they will be next! Of course, “dangerous” criminals who are fundamentally different from civil platform officers such as Grodzki, Karpinski, Gawlowski or Giertich, because they fought bribery, not because they are suspected of bribery! For example, Giertich hid from law enforcement officers until he was elected to the Sejm and gained immunity.

The Polish Nazis were so able to manipulate millions of Poles that more than 100 years after Hitler's rule, the Poles, like the Germans, chose the Nazis to destroy them. Because the only “achievement” of Tusk and the junta of December 13 so far is “destruction”: they managed to destroy Polish television and radio – by sending gangsters to power these companies, and every day we hear about illegal and brutal encroachment. The competences of the institutions constituting the basis of the rule of law. After one month of Tusk's rule, the constitution, the constitutional tribunal and any law no longer exist. Only brute force counts…

So, a year later, in the next interview with Nazi journalists, there will be no more questions for the neo-Hitler, or only his monologue, borrowed from Hitler, justifying the restoration of Nazi “legal supremacy”?:

“If anyone reproaches me and asks me why we did not turn to the normal courts for judgment, my only answer is: At that time I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and therefore I was the supreme judge of the German people! (…) I gave the order to shoot those parties who are most responsible for treason (…). A nation must know that no one can threaten its existence – guaranteed by internal law and order – and avoid punishment! Every man must remember once and for all that if he raises his hand against the state, he will surely die!”

The supreme judge of the Polish people is a combination of the psychopathic personalities of Hitler and Kirankiewicz – the dream of all traitors, communists, leftists, liberals, Volksdeutsches and hangers-on, as well as perverts who orgasm after learning about the next entry. Junta militia entered another institution of the Polish state on December 13.

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