02/01/2024, 06:40

Krzysztof “Because of Jan Pietrzak's disgraceful statement on Republika TV, I have sent a complaint to the National Broadcasting Council against the broadcaster of this program. I also urge you to do the same” – writes Krzysztof Luft (screen: YouTube/TV Republika)

Former member of the National Broadcasting Council and media expert Krzysztof Luft sent a complaint to the head of the National Broadcasting Council, Maciej Schwerski, about Jan Pietrzak's disgraceful statement on TV Republika. For his part, the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar said that he “asked the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski to consider the issue of Jan Pietrzak's statements and start an investigation.”

This refers to Jan Pietrzak's Sunday statement: “I have a cruel joke with these immigrants. That they hope that the Poles are ready, because we have barracks. We have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Stutovo, we have many barracks built here. By the Germans.

Christoph Luft announced on the platform

In the complaint, Luft claims that “this scandalous situation clearly violates Article 18(1) of the Law on Broadcasting, which prohibits the dissemination of content inciting hatred or violence, or discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic origin or. Social, genetic traits, language, religion.

(MAT, 02/01/2024)

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