Aleksandr Kwasniewski spoke about the dispute over the public media in Poland in the program “Guest of the Event”. – Today I read Prof. Sadurski and rightly calls this period “transitional”. I have no doubt that television in the form that PiS has given is impossible. On the other hand, the National Media Council is unconstitutional, therefore Transitional decisions must be made. I think that The accepted legal method may be the only one possible – he commented.

– This is Adopting a philosophy of transitionthat we cannot act today In accordance with the constitutional arrangementAs we wish, as this will continue, the president will certainly not agree with these decisions – he emphasized.

“They say Kaczynski's time is coming to an end”

The politician also commented on Andrzej Duda's speech. – I have the impression that Stends to play such a highly political game. I think his environment tells him that Jaroslaw Kaczynski's time is coming to an end And you have to fight for the leadership of the right, and I understand that he wants to accept this challenge, and therefore he has to show his toughness, he has to show himself well to the PiS voters – he said.

Video: Alexander Kvashnevsky on changes in public media. “Philosophy of Transition”

– This does not bode well for cohabitation, in my opinion, it will accumulate tension, I prefer more conversation, more dialogue. After the New Year message, I get the impression that Andrzej Duda However, he is trying to take part in the race to succeed Jaroslaw Kaczyński. – he emphasized.

look: J. Voters are decisive about Kaczynski's future. As a deputy and president of PiS

This is a difficult moment, because 10 years of the presidency is a long time. He may consider acting in an international environment, on the border of politics, or as his advisers push him to – fight for succession in the party – he emphasized.

Local and European elections will be held this year. – There will be interest in the elections, PiS strives for that. Political temperature will be high in Poland. The civil coalition will try to maintain interest, but The turnout will not be as high as in the parliamentary elections – predicts the former president.

A. Kwasnevsky in the US elections: they may have colossal consequences

The presidential elections in the United States will be held in 2024. – They can have huge consequences. Trump's victory, which is far from certain, could change many things. For us, the risk of his victory is that it will reduce aid to Ukraine, which Will convince Putin that “we can move forward”. “Moldova and Central Asia will be at risk, and because of this we will not feel more secure,” said the former president.

look: USA. Donald Trump was removed from the ballot. The Colorado court decided

Another problem is Trump's approach to NATO. – Any weakening of NATO would be a big mistake, but Trump can decide that way, he is unpredictable. “Trumpism” itself is dangerous, i.e. such selfish, nationalistic thinking, without sensitivity to others in the world, he emphasized.

A. Kvashnevsky: Tusk strengthens pro-Ukrainian thinking

In the program, Kvashnevsky also spoke about the future of the war in Ukraine. – In my opinion, there will be no peace talks with Putin. He said that they will intensify their attacks. He may be interested in a truce for a while to fill the gaps in the army, but in a year the war will start again with a vengeance. He wants Ukraine in his hands. Trump should consider whether it is because This will be America's failure – he noted.

look: Wars, elections and plans for 2024. New Year messages from world leaders

– Putin's victory in Ukraine, understood not as an occupation, but as the installation of a pro-Putin government in Kiev, means that we have Putin on the hook. We need to help Ukraine if Putin doesn't win because that means he will be with us for years to come. We can talk about war fatigue, but Those people die and come back crippled from the front Kwashnevsky added.

The politician also shared his opinion about the leaders of those countries, who, in his opinion, support Ukraine. – I think that Biden really has determination, I also think that Scholz, Macron, Sunak also know what is happening and are trying to help. We still have Tusk today, who is a serious reinforcement of this pro-Ukrainian thinking In Europe – he said.

He was the second guest of Marcin Fiioleki Marta Niezwiecka Psychologist and author of the “O Twilight” podcast.

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