Hmm, I wanted (oh, not as the illustration suggests 🙂 to write a song in the style of Mr. Lisevich's choir.

Why! chicken face

Zulu Tshaka.
1) Once upon a time in a certain country there are stupid lemmings.
The king was chosen by those who did not try.
He robbed everyone, cheated everyone.
And he fled to Brussels as a wardrobe servant, fled to Brussels.
Rusty Thief, Scholz's Rattler.
(Time to get some free stoltz.)x2

2) Promised miracles, no work.
economic growth and five zlotys each.
Everything: tickets, milk, bread,
And almost free Russian fuel, Russian fuel.

3) And the stupid rats who voted.
They believed in these miracles every day.
If something is wrong, from the TV. Mr. Ovsik shouted: sack in the lake, sack in the lake!!

4) When everything is finally over.
There is nothing left to steal.
Negro villages appeared in the bushes.
And the new king was Zulu
Tshaka, BZulu Tshaka was alive!!!

(And below is a typical future speech that will remain after the so-called Seim, of course with comments)

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