In response to Newsweek's question about changes in the Constitutional Tribunal, the head of the ministry said that, in his opinion, the resolution of the Seimas in this matter is not enough.

– So far, all decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal Published in Journal of Laws with annotationHe argued that the judgments were issued in violation of the basic principle of selection of judges, as the existing constitutional tribunal includes an unauthorized person, therefore it is a body without constitutional features.

What awaits the Constitutional Tribunal and President Przylbska?

On the question of how to remove the president of the Constitutional Tribunal Julia Przylbska A tool that he “uses only for the party”, Bodnar assured that “these will be very mature and responsible decisions”.

The Minister of Justice was also asked if he was afraid of being accused of taking a broad line instead of holding his predecessors accountable. – Since I was a target of hatred from the very first days, it is probably not entirely true that I am so soft – he said.

– I downloaded all the minutes of the meetings of the Council of National Prosecutors and it turned out that there were only personnel discussions about who should retire. But this should be a body for real discussion! That is why I appointed five new members of the National Council of Prosecutors, including Mrs. Eva Vrzosek, to give this body some momentum, he added.

Motion to terminate the mandate of Adam Bodnar

Deputies of sovereign Poland, Marcin Romanowski and Maria Kurowska, appealed to the speaker of the Senate to immediately terminate Adam Bodnar's mandate as a senator.

“According to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, a prosecutor cannot be a deputy or a senator at the same time. In the past, we already had cases when the combination of both functions led to the expiration of the mandate,” said Romanowski. who was the deputy minister of justice in the PiS government.

Adam Bodnar received record support in the Senate parliamentary elections on October 15, won 628,442 votes. He won The mandate, among others, thanks to the support of the Polish American community, which elected a candidate from the 44th District, which includes the Warsaw Śródmieście and Warsaw North districts.

On December 13, President Andrzej Duda appointed Adam Bodnar as the Minister of Justice. The government of Donald Tusk. Bodnar also became the ex officio General Prosecutor and a member of the National Council of Justice.

Also read:
Judge Zaradkevich: This quote will forever become Bodnar's motto

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