The Deputy Minister of Education, Katažina Lubnauer, spoke about the details on the air of Radio ZET on Tuesday.

– All changes in education will come into force only from the beginning of the new school year, and some changes may only be implemented in the following years, because, for example, more extensive changes require the change of textbooks, – Lubnauer said, noting that the changes are fundamentally preceded by public consultations and possible changes in textbooks. .

Less homework

The politician was asked about the ministry's plans to limit homework and core curricula. As he confirmed, work on the relevant regulation is already underway.

– In the case of grades 1-3, homework does not make sense. Such a child will not be able to solve homework independently. In fact, it is not only the children's task, but also the parents' task, he said. According to him, “homework should be significantly reduced for older children” because too often it comes at the expense of students' weekends or free time.

– We would like the dependencies of the program to be reduced to 20 percent, that is, to disappear from 5 to 20 percent. Content, said Lubnauer. He also confirmed that the reading list will also be reduced.

One religion lesson

Lubnauer was also asked about religion classes. – One religion class after classes or before classes, without religion points averaged. We want it to come into force from September 1, he said.

The new Minister of Education, Barbara Novacka, spoke about the changes prepared in December. – Today we can already say that two hours of religious lessons are “excessive”, because – as he noted – children have more religion than other subjects. Therefore, he added, he hopes that there will be a general agreement around his postulate.

– The proposal consists of: Restriction of religious classes Up to one hour paid from the state budget. If the local authorities or parents decide that they like these hours more, it will be their decision, including the financial decision, – he said in an interview given to TVN 24.

Nowacka said that Polish schools should not make drastic changes at all.

Also read:
Where should religion classes be held? Poles responded to the survey

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