President Andrzej Duda V New Year message Published on New Year's Eve, it said, among other things, about the changes in Polish politics after the elections and the new government's takeover of public media.

– In free Poland, for the first time since 1989, there was an attempt to take control of the public media by force, to turn off the television signals of some channels and to stop broadcasting news programs. Finally, Polish television, Polish radio and Polish press agency were liquidated – the president noted.

He emphasized that “those in power can reform the public media, but it must be done in accordance with the law.” – I was always open to such discussions regarding legislative changes. However, I will never agree to violate the constitution. And that's the situation we're dealing with right now, unfortunately, Duda said.

Duda on Lech Kaczynski and Tusk: I have drawn conclusions

He recalled working in President Lech Kaczynski's office when Donald Tusk was prime minister. – I drew a conclusion from that situation. I am ready to cooperate on the most important issues for Poland, but I am also ready for the situation that the government does not want such cooperation, he said.

The President called on the ruling coalition to start upholding the principles of a democratic state of law and respect citizens, regardless of their political views. – This should be your political New Year's resolutions – he added.

Kwashnevsky on the President's words: this is not a prerequisite for good cohabitation

Alexander Kwasniewski, who was asked by Polsat News about the President's speech, said: – I have the impression that he is inclined to play such a highly political game. I think his entourage is telling him that Jaroslaw Kaczynski's time is coming to an end and he needs to fight for leadership on the right side, and I understand that he wants to accept this challenge and therefore he has to show his toughness. To look good to PiS voters.

– This is not good for cohabitation. In my opinion, this will build up the tension. I prefer more conversation, more dialogue. After the New Year's message, I get the impression that Andrzej Duda is going to try to participate in the fight for the right. Yaroslav Kaczynski Kwashnevsky said.

He also spoke about Andrzej Duda's future career. – This is a difficult moment, because 10 years of the presidency is a long time. “He may consider acting in the international environment, on the fringes of politics, or as his advisors are pushing him to do – fight over the succession issue in the party,” said the former president.

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What did the president say at the meeting with the National Broadcasting Council? “There was a suggestion of a step back”

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