On Tuesday, the front page of “Rzeczpospolita” published an article with the title: “Lost profits from the euro”. The newspaper claims that the Polish government should follow the course of adopting the European currency. “The benefits exceed the costs,” economists say, “RZ” reports.

ZANDBERG: Economists disagree

Razem's politician does not hide that a quick entry into the Eurozone is not only impossible, but it will also be harmful to the Polish economy.

– I think it is not true that economists agree that every year without the euro brings losses to Poland. I think there are different economists and different views in Poland – he said in Polsat News' “graffiti”.

The deputy added that he shares the opinion of those who are skeptical about the quick adoption of the euro. “I don't think it's something we should bet on in the next year or two,” he said.

– First of all, we have many convergence factors that must happen in order for the talk about the euro to make sense. At this stage, Poland does not meet the membership criteria. We are in favor of the first significant increase in the EU's joint public investment and the convergence of social rights and wages. Then it makes sense to talk about a common currency, he continued.

Should Poland adopt the Euro? against Glapinski

President of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapinski, announced this at the beginning of October Discussion on Poland's entry into the Eurozone This can only begin when our country reaches the level of prosperity of Germany and France. – However, now it is a shortcut (…) and an attempt to avoid the problem that the Prime Minister and the President of the NBP should submit such a submission at the same time, – he emphasized.

As Glapinski explained, one of the reasons that Poland's entry into the Eurozone will be unfavorable at the moment is “the impossibility of conducting a monetary policy adapted to the needs of the domestic economy and the limitation of conducting its own fiscal policy.”

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