“Politicians who prey on citizens' ignorance and ignorance of restrictions imposed on them – we must stop it!” – claim the organizers of the event.

“We will not give up the city” is preparing an action related to SCT

As we read, the “We will not give up on the city” initiative aims to show residents “the truth about the politicians” who are trying to impose. Traffic restrictions in Warsaw. The start of the campaign, for which the activists are collecting funds, is announced for February.

“If this plan succeeds with your invaluable help, soon Messrs. Trzaskowski and Maiczrowski will read the truth about the actions of their officials and advisors directly from the billboards.” We cannot give up the fight against harmful “zones”, and the first and most urgent step towards this is the actions in Warsaw and Krakow. Sincere thanks for every zloty”, representatives of “” inform.We will not give up on the city” on his Facebook profile.

A collection for a billboard campaign

As representatives of the movement write, thanks to the campaigns, “residents will learn about clean traffic zones and their real dangers. We will start with Krakow and Warsaw, but we want to be in all cities where changes are planned that affect residents, especially the poorest. ”

Campaign organizers are in the process of raising funds to finance the project. “We are collecting funds on our website for the first stage of activities, in connection with the preparation of billboards for Warsaw and Krakow. Currently, these are the places where councilors, despite public opposition, have passed provisions for SCT. That's why we decided that our billboards should be published in these cities as soon as possible,” they explain, referring to the collection, which can be supported on the website nieoddamymiasta.pl.

FacebookAlso read:
Clean traffic zone in Warsaw. Ordo Yuri's position within the framework of public consultations
Also read:
Residents do not want a clean traffic zone. The city is not going to back down

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