Photo is illustrative

Human corpses were found in one of Gorzov's schools. – He is a 51-year-old man, probably homeless – said sub-inspector Markin Maludi. – It is not yet known what caused his death – he added. The school administration decided to cancel all classes on Tuesday and Wednesday.

– Tuesday morning The police received a statement from the 2nd primary school in St. Zamenhof – said Gorzów Wielkopolski, the spokesperson of the provincial police headquarters. Sub-Inspector Markin Maludy.

– It was reported that in one A man's body was found in the communal rooms – added. – The services were immediately called to the spot, said the speaker.

The policeman said about it The victim is a 51-year-old man, who was probably homeless. – He may have entered the building through one of the windows – he said.

Gorzov Vilkopolsky. A man's body in the school building

The speaker informed that Partially burnt items were found in the man's possession. – A fire-rescue expert was also called to the scene – he said.

– No one knows what It was the cause of the man's death. Traces collected on site will be studied by experts – said the policeman. According to him, an investigative team and a court technician are working on the spot under the supervision of the prosecutor.

look: Gorzov Vilkopolski: The population wants change. The adjective must be removed from the city name

The prosecutor decided About conducting an autopsy of a man's body.

The fire brigade also came to the school to check the intense burning smell. Firefighters ventilated the school building. managment announced the cancellation of all classes on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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