Alexander Lukashenko in 2021 caused a migration crisis. Belarus has started selling “tourist visas” to migrants from the Middle East and North Africa. They flew mainly to Minsk, where they began their journey to Western Europe via Poland. Thousands of people tried to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border. There were scenes of violence by Belarusians.

As a result, Poland decided Construction of a permanent fence on the border.

Attacks on the border continue

“On Sunday, December 31, 2023, at the section guarded by PSG Dubicze-Cerkiewne, a group of migrants who failed to cross the Belarusian border illegally threw stones and burned tree branches at the Polish service. No one was injured. X Border Guard portal said on Tuesday.


The video shows one of the migrants throwing a burning branch at Polish border guards. The branch hit the border fence.

According to the Border Guard Service, eight foreigners tried to enter Poland illegally from Belarus on Monday. Seeing the Polish patrols, everyone retreated to the territory of Belarus. In Michalów (Podlaskie Voivodeship), the officers of the post arrested two Russian citizens of Chechen nationality who came to pick up eight Afghans.


According to the Border Guard, there were about 26,000 in 2023. Attempt to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border. 3.8 thousand were registered in July. Such an attempt in August – almost 2.8 thousand, in September – 1.1 thousand, in October – 2 thousand, and in November – 1.5 thousand. In December, a noticeable decrease was observed – 450 attempts to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border. In 2023, migrants detained on the border between Poland and Belarus came from 53 countries.

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