The new Miss France, 20-year-old Eva Gilles, offended the feelings and sense of aesthetics of the self-proclaimed defenders of femininity. They are angry and criticize… short hair. And perhaps few will be surprised to learn that he is not the only one with such a hairstyle who has to hear such comments.

A crown from a new beginning Miss France It's not falling out, although some people are hoping that Eva Gilles will drop her short hair. Well, what do you think about this hairstyle? How it happened? who heard this And does anyone remember the winner of the boy's cutest haircut contest? Probably not, and certainly not when it comes to his French pageant history.

“She became the new Miss France Eva Gilles – second year student of mathematics and computer science. He received a wave of hateful comments because of his… short hair! – he announced on his Instagram profile Adam ChowanskyThe stylist currently lives in Paris.

In France, there are rumors that she won in the name of feminist or left-wing “propaganda of diversity”, she has been compared maliciously to trans women and men.Adam Chowanskystylist

Surprised and surprised? If so, it's just the opposite for women short hair. They are used to having their hair abused as they hear it from time to time.

Long hair is an attribute of femininity

We would have to greatly distort the reality if we say that comments and evaluations of women's body, weight and shape are only sporadic cases today. We would be breaking our daily lives if we said that the world has no expectations of skin, breasts or a woman's nose.

Evaluation in progress. continuous. But if that wasn't enough, you also have to add hair to the list of requirements. Long, thick and shiny ones will be perfect. Short ones are quite far from ideal.

And to be clear – everyone can like something different according to their own taste, but the comments “it's ugly because I don't like it that way” are best kept to yourself or hidden… deep down.

20-year-old Miss France, as you can see, is definitely within the norm, or rather, within the beauty law, and yet we managed to file a complaint.

“The formula of the Miss France contest has changed significantly in recent years. Participants can be of any marital status, get a tattoo, have a child, the age criterion has been canceled, trans women are also allowed. That's not really all. Please the more conservative part of society and, as usual, any change is seen as an attack on the mythical “traditional values”, explains Adam Chowansky.

“It is incomprehensible to me that in the 21st century, the length of a woman's hair is still an indicator of femininity for many! And the biggest insult is trying to degrade it and compare it to a man,” he adds.

Women with short hair know this

Let me make two sentences about what my experience is. I love short hair, so sometimes I do very short hairstyles. However, I must admit that even when I was sitting in the hairdresser's chair, I knew what I was hearing.

Has anything changed over time? No. Every time I cut my hair short, which is usually chin length, there is always someone who rolls their eyes and asks why I did that?

why Because I wanted to. Because that's how I like it.

I'm not saying that everyone should admire what I'm good at. But at the same time, I really don't care about such “good advice”.

Adam Chowansky's record also included women who decided to have short hair.

“I'm not surprised anymore. I regularly receive feedback on two channels that “I would be beautiful if I had long hair”, that they make me look older and take away my “feminine energy”, – wrote one of the Internet users. .

But there were a few, also women:

“I don't like this hair, I prefer long hair. Is it hateful? No. Most people associate long hair with health and vitality, and it is part of the law of beauty. Everyone has their own, but most people think so. Me. Primitive, so no “There is an assessment, offered only by stupid competition itself and its creator.”

“I think it looks ugly” – is that hateful?

The worst thing is when someone takes their own opinion as the revealed truth, and since most people think like me – even if I doubt it is supported by any data – it is the only valid option and worth adapting. he.

Do we really have to repeat the same scenario in every thread?

Long is also bad

“I believe that everyone should have hair that we like, not random people who think they can tell others how to look, brush and live,” one observer succinctly and – in my opinion – rightly commented. stylist.

However, not only those with short hair have difficulties. Those with debts should also take criticism into account. The older they are, the bigger they are.

“In my opinion, the length of the hair should be inversely proportional to the age – the bigger, the shorter. I see all these 'drowning women' and I want to cry. And those who like long hair the most are girls who have more. Hair on their legs than on their heads. Are they saying it's sexy? Feminine? Really?!” – we are reading.

Problems of the 21st century

The truth is, there are bigger problems in the world – big and small – than someone's hairstyle. It's really absurd that we talk and write and write about such a thing because this issue still evokes emotions.

And finally, just to remind you who wore these unfeminine hairstyles: Leslie Lawson, model Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn MonroeHalle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Michelle Williams, Malgorzata Kozuchowska, Danuta Stenka, Aleksandra Adamska, Katarzyna Zielinski.

When I started writing this text, I wanted to ask the opinion of several men and women, but I quickly gave up on this idea, because it contradicted what I wanted to convey in the article: what does it matter what other people think about it, if you like it? no one. And we really shouldn't care whether someone prefers short or long hair, as long as that hair isn't on their head.

And how did the new Miss France react to the short hair discussion? “No one should dictate who you are. Every woman is different, we are all unique,” she wrote.

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