By late evening on New Year's Monday, Google search results showed misquotes of major currencies. According to the Google Finance platform, the euro was valued at PLN 5.9 (the closing price on Friday was PLN 4.37), the dollar at PLN 5.37 (PLN 3.93 instead). Swiss Franc to PLN 6.38 (instead of PLN 4.67), and the British pound recorded an exchange rate of PLN 6.84 (instead of PLN 5).

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The Ministry of Digitization responds to the misunderstanding of the currency exchange rate

Minister of Digital Affairs Krzysztof Gawkowski in an interview with admits that Monday's incident is a proof of the great responsibility of entities that publish important data to the public.

– In case of false rates published on Monday evening Everything is in the hands of Google. It is a private entity that probably cooperates with external entities based on certain agreements, he said.

Reliability is the most important thing here. I feel that Google lacked some care in these courses. And this proves that we must be aware of the responsibility of those who share this data, said Krzysztof Gawkowski.

Will the government change the law?

The head of the Ministry of Digital Affairs also admitted that the recent events are another impetus that may accelerate the consideration of changes in the law.

In the government, we are thinking about solutions that will lead to this The issue of fake news will be properly regulated. so that Those who publish or knowingly share fake news bear greater responsibility, said the head of the Ministry of Digital Affairs.

As Gavkowski explained, in a world of globalized information, the responsibility for the information of those who make it available – and who also profit financially from it – must be unquestioned.

– That's why we definitely expect large operators to be responsible for what they publish. They need to quickly verify data and quickly eliminate errors. I get the impression that Google's response was very slow in this situation – she said.

According to Gavkowski, there is no need to create new tools to warn against false information. – What is most needed is a quick reaction. It should be with those who share this information. Our expectation, of course, will be that there will be faster reactions and we will accurately and quickly clarify what caused the false information to be provided, he said.

Sites should solve this problem themselves. Neither the government nor the ministry will develop tools to “correct” all the false information that is spread around the world. Today it is the exchange rate, tomorrow it may be information about the weather, and the day after that it may be information that, for example, the plane has been canceled – says, the head of the Ministry of Digital Affairs.

Gavkowski expressed his belief that you should fight against false information. – Fake news is not only dangerous, but dangerous. They can cause critical situations, can cause panic, cause bad emotions, cause loss of property and cause changes in everyone's behavior. That is why the role of operators is so important and they should pay special attention to verifying the information, including the information provided, said the head of the MC.

Reactions to exchange rate confusion

Monday was a holiday, so rates were not published by the National Bank of Poland. The Central Bank commented on the situation that happened on Tuesday. “Due to the New Year's commotion regarding the fictitious PLN exchange rate on the Google platform, we remind you that verified and fully reliable PLN rates are published by the NBP on its website,” the NBP note reads. X platform speaker.

On Tuesday, after entering the phrases “USD” or “EUR” into the Google search engine, no exchange rate values ​​were displayed.. They are published by

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