Lebanon. A senior member of Hamas was killed in a drone attack

A strong explosion in the suburbs of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. Four people were killed, including senior Hamas member Saleh al-Aruri. According to media reports, his death was the result of an Israeli drone attack, and the fact that it happened outside of Israel may indicate an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East.

Three more members of the organization were killed as a result of the attack. Hamas representatives confirmed the death of Saleh al-Arauri in their media.

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Saleh al-Aruri He led Hamas operations in the West BankBefore that, he was one of the organizers of the armed units of Hamas. man He was an important member of the Politburo of the organization.

As the Associated Press noted, Benjamin Netanyahu announced his assassination before the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, and the US offered $5 million for information about him.

Lebanon. The death of an important member of Hamas

The explosion took place in St Dahiye in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital. The explosion caused a big fire on one of the streets. Dahiyeh is considered a stronghold of Shiite Hezbollah, which is allied with Hamas.

Since the start of the war in Israel, there have been regular skirmishes and exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and members of Hezbollah along the Lebanese border. In recent weeks, the Israeli Air Force has struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon several times. However, most of the fighting took place near the border.

According to the Associated Press, the attack took place It may lead to an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. Hezbollah leader Seyed Hassan Nasrallah announced retaliation for any Israeli attack on Palestinians in Lebanon.

Attack in Lebanon. Israel does not accept responsibility

Israel has not acknowledged the killing of al-Aruri. Adviser to the Prime Minister of Israel Mark Regev said that “Whoever did this should be clear: “It was not an attack on Lebanon”. – Whoever did it, implemented it A surgical strike against the Hamas leadership – he emphasized.

Lebanese authorities responded to the attack. Acting Head of State Najib Mikati condemned the attack, calling it “another crime by Israel.” According to him, the attack is an attempt to involve Lebanon in the conflict.

Source: Associated Press, Reuters

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