What is happening with public television can be called a real revolution. In the survey, Poles were asked how they evaluate the methods used by the new government. And while the responses of those opposed to PiS were easy to predict, the responses of supporters of the party that was in power until recently were surprising.

dynamic Changes in public media It started at the end of December Release of seniors Polish Television, Polish Radio and Polish Press Agency and their supervisory boards. And after that Andrzej Duda He vetoed the budget bill By 2024, the Minister of Culture Bartholomew Sienkiewicz announced that TVP, PR and PAP were going into liquidation.

However, PiS politicians and some station employees are not giving up and are organizing Protests and duties – including night and holiday dutiesTo protect media freedom. They claim that the new government violates the constitution, deprives the media of pluralism and wants to introduce censorship.

Poll: PiS supporters also support changes in TVP

methods introduced by Bartholomew Sienkiewicz Are uncompromising and now a UCE Research studio survey for that Onet He asked the Poles if they support them.

When asked: “Do you support the methods used by the new government to take over the public media? (Polish TV, Polish Radio, Polish Press Agency)?” answered most of the respondents “Definitely yes” (26.9%). The following was the answer “Yes” (25.9%). In total, this is more than half of the respondents, i.e 52.8 percent

In general, there is an opposite opinion 32.3 percent of the respondentswho replied: “definitely not” (19.1%) and “I do not think so” (13.2%). 14.9% have no opinion on this issue. People who participated survey.

As with any survey, it's worth looking at the answers in terms of the respondents' political preferences. “The supporters of the three political forces creating the new coalition are not equally in favor of the style of the introduced changes,” the portal writes.

However, the most interesting thing is that some supporters of law and justice “recognize” the revolution on TVP as well. 6.4 percent of them answered “definitely yes”8.3 percent “quite a bit,” and 8.8 percent could not give a clear answer.

Supporters of KO and the left support the new government's methods

First of all, the electorate accepts the methods of the new government regarding the public media Civil coalition (84.4%). In the case of supporters left It is 75.2 percent and the third way – 65.5 percent

The decisions of the Tusk government regarding the TVP are criticized – and this is not surprising – by the voters. law and justice (76.5%) and Confederation (55.6%).

I will remind you that too Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz spoke on public media for the last time After Andrzej Duda's New Year's speech. The minister responded sarcastically to the president, who pointed out the mistakes of the new government. “Mr. President is very critical of the changes made in the media (closing TVP – PiS). He sent his message to the liquidation of Telewizja Polska SA, which PiS does not recognize. Thank you for your trust,” said Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz on X..

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