After the parliamentary elections, Bartlomiej Graczak left Telewizja Polska. Now, after 8 years of working on Woronicza, he is making his own YouTube channel. The former employee of TVP and TVP Info stated why he resigned and also confessed. “I didn't always work according to my conscience, but I knew that if I left, nothing would change,” he says.

Bartlomiej Graczak, former reporter “News” TVP and the host of news and journalistic programs St TVP information, In the second half of October, he left Telewizja Polska. He spent almost 8 years there. Along with the information about his resignation, he also emphasized that he is still going to be active in the media world.

Did Bartlomiej Grachak's conscience shake? This is what he says about working at TVP Info

As they say virtual mediaA former employee of TVP, he is currently preparing his new YouTube channel on socio-political topics. In an interview with the portal, he explained that he wanted to show what is interesting and important to the audience, not elites or political decision makers. He also noted that he is making the channel “with people who know the YouTube environment and have an idea for it.” Trusted media“.

Wirtualne Media reminds you that Gratzak – just before Christmas – summed up his story on social media Work in TVP. His post on his Facebook profile is quite long and is titled: “Scandalous fight for TVP”.

“I started working in January 2016, hoping that it would be possible to build a substantial, conservative counterbalance to the liberal narrative that dominates Poland. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that this was not about values, but about political influence. The Party's Struggle for Soul Rule. I did not always work according to my conscience, but I knew that nothing would change if I left. That's why I tried to pursue this, finally, my dream profession, despite significant limitations,” he said.

He also explained that he left TVP because he did not want to lose his job based on “Sienkiewicz's illegal decree”. He also added that now he will “build the media in his own way, not by ordering someone else.”

Gratzak posted his post on December 21, but it was already given a second life when Wirtualne Media asked him about his plans after leaving TVP. And immediately his post caused an avalanche of comments.

“Ladies, I was forced, I didn't want to. Go to my channel and remember to press the bell,” wrote Prik Slowik from Wirtualna Polska. In another note, he recalled that Grachak was, among others, the author of the material on raising teachers' salaries.

“He showed the teacher an archived statement, and when she objected, he said that since she hadn't complained about the raise a year ago, her statement was still valid,” Slowik wrote.

The vice president of Wroclaw also commented on Grachak's words Sebastian Lorenc.

“I will also tell a little story about Gračak. Once, at the invitation of a friend, I happened to be in a box full of PiS politicians, including those from the front pages of newspapers, at the stadium in Wrocław. And do you know who I met there? Yes, the “journalist” Gračak. I had a great time with them. I had fun, Everyone was on a first-name basis. So remember that the former TVP Info had nothing to do with information and working people. There were no journalists there then. PiS does not protect any Polish media, only its propaganda person,” wrote a representative of the local government.

Bartholomew Grachak He initially worked as a reporter for “Wiadomości” and also hosted “Twój Głos” on TVP3, while w. TVP information “Miła 8”, “Miła 20” and “Info Report” programs. At the end of 2020, he started cooperation with the third program of Polish Radio, where he hosted the “Troika Political Salon”. In the fall of 2021, he became the host of an afternoon political interview series. He left the radio station in July 2022.

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