The coronavirus does not let us forget that. A new genetic variant of SARS-CoV-2 is spreading worldwide. Importantly, when infected with a new variant, in addition to the typical symptoms of COVID-19, such as runny nose, cough or sore throat, new, previously undescribed symptoms also appear. Here are the symptoms of an infection with the JN.1 variant.

Viruses circulate and mutate, including SARS-CoV-2, which is still dangerous even though the threat of an epidemic has long been eliminated. A new COVID-19 vaccine has just become available in Poland, but another genetic variant of SARS-CoV-2 is spreading around the world. So far, it has brought an increase in the number of infections in the United States and Great Britain, but it has also reached India.

A new variant of the coronavirus It is surprising because, in addition to the previously known typical symptoms reminiscent of a cold or an upper respiratory tract infection, e.g. Runny nose, cough, sore throat, FeverIt also produces new, unexpected symptoms that have never been described before and have not been associated with SARS-CoV-2.

Dr. n Med. Tomasz Dziecichatkowski – a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw recalls that there is a new genetic variant SARS-CoV-2 It was revealed between November and December of last year, when it was caused An increase in the number of infections USA and UK.

However, as he adds in his recent Facebook post, “This option only has a letter code for now JN.1It recently reached India, where more than 170 people were found to be infected with the virus.

No new symptoms were previously reported

“It is important that the spectrum of symptoms of infection with a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 includes symptoms of the upper respiratory tract (Runny nose, cough, sore throat) also added new ones, which were not described before,” the expert notes.

As he explains, it comes down to it Feeling anxious and sleep problemswhich are now considered for the first time Symptoms of COVID-19. These symptoms are reported by every tenth person who is infected with the new coronavirus variant.

So far, the exact cause of these symptoms is not yet known.

The expert refers to the article on the website

And the article talks about a branch of Omicron called JN.1, which now accounts for about 44 percent of the Covid-19 cases circulating in the US, up from just 21 percent two weeks ago.

A study in the UK found that anxiety and sleep problems are new symptoms and at the same time common symptoms of COVID-19 such as Loss of sense of taste Or the sense of smell is no longer reported as often as it used to be.

Fortunately, despite the increase in infections and illnesses due to the new coronavirus variant in the US Hospitalization rates Still significantly lower than this time last year.

In Poland, we do not have accurate data on COVID-19 infections (number of patients and variants) because the previous government (PiS) decided to stop widespread testing and genetic testing. Currently, primary care physicians refer patients with symptoms to emergency care Cassette test Regarding COVID-19, RSV and the flu. However, even if it shows a coronavirus infection, it does not provide information about its variant.

Doctors still believe that the most important thing in the fight against the coronavirus is prevention, that is, frequent hand washing and isolation during illness, as well as wearing a mask in public gatherings. In addition, doctors always encourage people to take it Protective vaccinations Against the flu and COVID-19.

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