A man was found unconscious in the engine of a plane at the Salt Lake City airport. Before that, a 30-year-old man came out of the airport ramp through the emergency exit. After some time, his personal belongings were found on one of the runways. The incident is being investigated.

Police reported the incident on Tuesday, but the incident itself took place late Monday evening at the international airport. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Around 22:00, the manager of one of the airport stores reported the “disturbance” to the airport service. He saw how sure he was The man goes through the emergency exit.

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Minutes later, officers found personal items on one of the runways. The items also included clothes and shoes. According to The Guardian, less than 15 minutes after the shop owner reported it A 30-year-old man was found unconscious in the engine mounted on the wing of the aircraft.

The incident at the airport. The body was found in the engine

as established during the incident There were passengers in the carAnd the engine was on. However, the specific stage of its action has not been determined.

look: France. A young man was found in the landing gear of the plane. He was in serious condition

Officers administered CPRUnfortunately, the man's life could not be saved. The fact is being investigated by the police.

After the services arrived, the passengers of the plane were evacuated. The whole situation did not affect the general operation of the airport.

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