The deputy head of MZS announces a real purge in Polish diplomacy. – Some Polish ambassadors are clearly not suitable for these positions for various reasons and will be dismissed – said Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski on Polsat News. The politician emphasized that it will be a tedious process, because “you will have to revise one institution after another.”

In an interview given to Polsat News Vladislav Teofil Bartoshevsky He was asked about the changes in the ranks of Poland Ambassadors and other diplomats. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said that some of them will be canceled.

A purge between ambassadors

– This is the responsibility of Minister Sikorski, but for me, as a former member of the Foreign Relations Committee and the vice-chairman of this committee, it is clear that we should have approved the candidates for ambassadors of those people who were. Absolutely unsuitable for this. For various reasons: lack of experience, lack of knowledge, lack of language skills, bad character. Some of these people are clearly not suitable for the ambassadorship of the Republic of Poland, and some of them will be dismissed, he explained.

When asked what the percentage of “purging” would be, Bartoszewski noted that Poland has several hundred and several dozen ambassadors and “there will be no way it will be half.” The deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also added that this will not be a sudden process, as each object must be looked at separately.

“Sad Cases”

– I know such institutions that someone nominated by the PiS government, that is, someone nominated by Minister Rau, is a fantastic candidate for the Polish ambassador, and I also know cases when This is pathetic – he described.

Bartoszewski added that some names of such people are “commonly known”. According to the politician, these are people who have “very rich and dishonest careers in the ministry” and cannot even speak the language of the country where they are accredited.

The deputy minister did not want to reveal when we can expect the above-mentioned personnel changes. He described how the ambassador recall process works.

changing “relatively quickly”

– But I assume that it will be relatively fast, but it will not be a sudden process, because certain people can be brought into the country without any problems, and we will definitely discuss specific names with the president. Because you can bring any ambassador to Warsaw, but you cannot take away the title of ambassador. The president decides that, he concluded.

“I think that in many cases we will be able to reach an agreement with the president on this issue,” he added.

Who is Vladislav Teofil Bartoszewski?

Vladislav Teofil Bartoszewski is a historian, academic teacher, cultural anthropologist and politician. In addition to Polish citizenship, he also has a passport British. It was during the Polish People's Republic Opposition activistOr rather, an employee Workers' Defense Committee (KOR).

He is the son of a politician Vladislav Bartoshevsky and Antonina Michal, Veterans of the struggle for Polish independence during World War II. his wifeAlexandra Ritchie is a Canadian-British academic teacher at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. Vladislav Teofil Bartoshevsky has two children children.

father, Vladislav Bartoshevsky (1922-2015), was an activist Polish underground state, second lieutenant of the Home Army (AK), participant in the Warsaw Uprising and member of the Presidium of the Council of Jewish Aid of the Polish Government Delegation. He was also a prisoner of a German concentration camp Auschwitz.

Also read:,kim-jest-wladyslaw-teofil-bartoszewski

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