The Russian President recently gave a speech at the Moscow Military Hospital, where he asserted that the West stands on the way to ending the war. According to him, Ukraine's allies have realized that they cannot destroy Russia.

“Putin's definition of the war in Ukraine as Russia's fight against the West, not against Ukraine, indicates that he does not intend to negotiate with Ukraine in good faith, but only creates informational conditions aimed at convincing the West of Ukraine's betrayal during negotiations. American experts from ISW claim.

ISW warning

According to the Americans, the Russian president thereby undermines the international position of Ukraine and tries to interfere with it as an autonomous entity in the negotiations.

ISW analysts warn that if the West gives in to Putin on this issue, the Russian leader will do the same to Finland and Moldova, which he considers Russian spheres of influence.

“Putin may expand his goals in Ukraine to include a confrontation with the West to create the conditions for a continued military buildup and justify high battlefield casualties,” we read.

Another Russian air attack

This is a reaction to another Russian attack on Ukrainian cities. Russian troops carried out again Bombing the territory of Ukraine on the night of January 1-2. The main target of the massive attack was Kiev. Among others, the following were used: hypersonic daggers.

At the same time, the authorities of the capital of Ukraine confirmed that many residential buildings and infrastructure facilities were damaged as a result of the missile attack on Kiev. Russian missiles and aircraft also hit other cities in the Kyiv region and Kharkiv.

The Ukrainian Air Force said a Russian Tu-95MS aircraft and 16 strategic bombers were in the airspace. President Volodymyr Zelensky said yesterday that four people were killed and at least 92 injured in the attack.

Also read:
A series of Russian attacks on Ukraine. Sikorsky suggests how to respond
Also read:
Zelensky: Putin feels weak. It will swallow you whole along with the EU and NATO

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