Krzysztof Gawkowski became the Minister of Digital Affairs in the new government of Donald Tusk and assumed the function of Deputy Prime Minister. His deputies in the ministry are Michal Gramatika from Poland 2050, Pawel Olszewski from Civic Platform and Dariusz Standerski from the New Left. But why, despite the left's assurances about the role of parity, is there not a single female secretary of state in the ministry?

– Do women know anything about digitization? None of them know each other as well as men, none of them had the honor of being the Deputy Minister of Digitization – asked Robert Mazurek on the RMF FM morning program.

– This is not so. Today, we have more women than men in the leadership of the Ministry, that is, on the directors, and that we have political positions that are also the result of the coalition agreement and that our common coalition partners, because we are creating a coalition, mean. Deputy Ministers, it is not a problem for me – answered Krzysztof Gavkowski.

When asked why there were no women among the deputy ministers of digitalization, the politician replied: “Please ask the coalition partners as well.” – M I had influence on the negotiation of the coalition agreement And we talked to our partners to appoint the best specialists in the government. They indicated. There are ministries where all deputy ministers are women and there are ministries where there are men, he said.

Changes to support the party

Meanwhile, what is the situation on the Polish political scene? In the latest United States poll, 33 percent currently want to vote for Law and Justice. respondents. This is 2.2 points less. percent than in the studio's previous study. Civil coalition received 28.4 percent. (a decrease of 0.4 percentage points). Trzecia Droga recorded a result of 19.1%. This is an increase of 3.1 points. percentage compared to the previous study.

The other two parties recorded results below 10%. It is the left wing for which 8.7 percent expressed their desire to vote. Respondents (decrease of 1.3 percentage points) and Konfederacja, which received a result of 7.7%. (without changes). 0.8% want to vote for other parties. respondents. 2.3 percent of the respondents do not know who they would vote for.

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The platform politician went to SPP. Lubnauer was asked an uncomfortable question

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