In an interview on Polsat News, the Minister of Equality was asked about the Civil Partnership Act among others. Regarding when the coalition plans to present the project… Kothula stated that “as soon as possible.

– no problem. Today we have bills submitted by the Left and Novochesna in previous terms. These were the laws prepared by the organizations. The laws are ready,” answered Kothula.

In the coalition agreement, we agreed that before we continue with the law on civil partnership, hate speech based on sexual orientation and gender will be included in the Criminal Code, Equality Minister Katažina Kotula said on Polsat News on Wednesday.

Was “hate speech” punished by official responsibility?

Clause 7 of the coalition agreement states that “we are all equal and sexual orientation and gender cannot be a reason for discrimination.” The following sentence contains a statement to amend the criminal law to prosecute so-called hate speech.

The note reads: “We are all equal and sexual orientation and gender cannot be a reason for discrimination. Fighting against hate speech and actions will be our priority. We will change the criminal code so that hate speech is based on sexual orientation. And sex will be punished officially.”

Confederacy: They want to punish people in Poland for expressing views that do not correspond to a particular ideology

Before the establishment of this type of norms in the legal system Confederate politicians warn. – What is hate speech? The tradition of the Polish language does not know such a term. (…) It is known what is slander, slander, insult, abuse, etc. However, it is unclear what constitutes hate speech, so someone will have to define it, and of course politicians and officials will, Berkovic argues. .

In practice, this means nothing more than criminal prosecution for expressing opinions that do not correspond to a particular ideology close to the new coalition that is expected to be in place soon. This is blatant censorship, a blatant attack on free speech, and blatant, creeping totalitarianism. It is so obvious that even former activists of the new coalition parties, such as Mr. Dariusz Lipinski, a former PO activist, are outraged by it and say there is no such thing as “hate speech,” Berković said.

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