Photos from protests in Iran. Participants carry pictures of the slain general

The celebration of the third anniversary of the death of General Qasem Soleimani was interrupted by two explosions in the city of Kerman. The explosion occurred in a cemetery near the grave of the head of Iran's intelligence forces. At least 73 people died and 170 were injured.

This was reported by the Iranian state media on Wednesday Two explosions occurred in a row near a cemetery in the southern city of Kerman. It continued at the Saheb Al-Zaman Mosque there Ceremony dedicated to the death of Iran's supreme commander, General Qassem Soleimani.. The head of foreign operations of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed in a US drone strike at Baghdad airport in 2020.

Semi-official agency Nournews reports about it “Several gas cylinders exploded on the way to the cemetery”And news agency SNN reported that ambulances were heading to the cemetery where hundreds of Iranians had gathered.

State television said it was the result of explosions “Terrorist attacks”. This was reported by the emergency service At least 73 people were killedand 170 were injured.

Explosions at Qassem Suleiman's memorial service

Kasem Soleiman He was born in 1957 in a poor peasant family in eastern Iran. He started his military career at the beginning of the Iran war in the 1980s, when he became a division commander before the age of 30. in different ways built Tehran's foreign influence. He sent spies and officers to Iraq, overpaid leaders, funded Shiite organizations and even cooperated with Sunni Hamas. Despite this He remained invisible to Western intelligence services for a very long time.

look: Spain. Attack on a politician in the center of Madrid. Background ties with Iran

He died on January 3, 2020 with Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhdanis During the American attack on Baghdad.

After his death, the American Bloomberg wrote that Soleimani was the second most important person in the country, after Ayatollah Khamenei, and his killing would cause “repercussions that could even mean the possibility of starting a war.” The website of “The Atlantic” magazine acknowledged the killing of the Al-Quds Force commander. “The most important American attack of this century.”

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