The new season of “Love Never Lies Polska” will give viewers even more romantic twists and emotions balanced on the border, all with the participation of new faces. In the company of Maja Bohosiewicz, we once again delve into the stories of couples who will face challenges with their secrets. All this in order to protect their relationship and fight for the main prize of the program.

“Love Never Lies” Season 2 Premiere. You'll be watching it on Netflix soon

We remind you that on January 25, 2023, the first Polish reality show premiered on Netflix. “Love never lies to Poland”. The format has gained a large audience. The audience felt the emotions that accompanied the polygraph examination of six couples. Who won the first season by just telling the truth?

They lied the least Lilia and Andrzej – They received the main prize of PLN 152,000.

– We came here with a slightly different goal and this goal has been achieved. And the fact that we got an additional prize, such a bonus. I found out that this is the woman with whom I want to spend the rest of my life, that I love, – they said after the finale.

The program caused great emotions not only among viewers, but also among reviewers. “How to describe 'Love Never Lies Polska' in a few words? Roars, screams, cries and emotional moans all in one package,” he wrote. Joanna Stavczyk.

“Of course we can assume that the truth will set us free. Experience (both human experience and straight from a Netflix reality show) shows us that it will set us free sooner – f**k,” he said after watching. program. Helena Ligas in naTemat.

Exactly one year after its premiere Netflix You will be able to follow The second season of “Love Neber Lies Polska”.. The exact release date will be announced soon.

Six couples put their love to the test by living together in a villa, where for several weeks their truth is tested by a state-of-the-art lie detector. Participants will lose money for each lie and receive money for telling the truth. The couple who will be the most honest with each other will win the program. We will again see an actor and influencer as a presenter Maya Bohosevic.

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