“I have information about the Poles. »Independent journalists and verifiers« And for the politicians who threw mud at me when I said (together with MP Krzysztof Bosak) that Ukrainians receive subsidies for the lowest pensions in Poland. I fought for the truth… I gritted my teeth, I asked Zus for official data,” we read on MP X's post.

It turns out that the politician just received the answer. According to him, this shows that despite the media campaign, the confederation focused on the real problem. Placek signed the letter.

“As a Confederation MP We officially inform you that… the amount of subsidies for the lowest pensions of citizens of Ukraine from the Polish Social Insurance Fund in 2022 alone amounted to PLN 8.6 million.” – he wrote.


Confederate intervention

Deputies of the confederation have repeatedly raised this issue. in May Placek and Bosak conducted an intervention in the ministry Family and Social Policy.

– We remind you that the Government of the Civil Platform signed an agreement between the Polish state and the Ukrainian state regarding the possibility of paying pensions to citizens if they work in the given country. According to these regulations, anyone who has completed work experience and who has registered for at least one day or one week as an employee in Poland, legally, acquires the right to a minimum pension, provided that he completes the work experience necessary for payment. Pension – Bosak said then.

The president of the “National Movement” stated that the difference between the minimum pension in Poland and the minimum pension in Ukraine is big. – The difference is more than 1000 PLN per person per month. If the disturbing information is confirmed, it means that Polish taxpayers will cover the difference from their own pockets.

Therefore, the confederation addressed several questions in this regard to the Ministry of Family and Social Policy and expects a concrete legal basis for the answer. – The question is, work experience in which country and how living in Poland is verified? Because we already know that the Polish state institutions failed to prove residence in Poland when paying other benefits. “We've already heard from the press that fraudulent benefit recovery is not progressing at all because there are no tools to do it,” Bosak said.

Płaczek: A ZUS employee confirmed this thesis

Placek tried to verify the media reports on this topic. As he mentioned, he had a telephone conversation with the official. He reported that in April 2023, information appeared in the public space that a pensioner from Ukraine can get the right to a pension on the Polish minimum pension after one day in Poland or after one month. That's why he contacted a ZUS employee. During a 20-minute conversation, the ZUS employee “confirmed this thesis.”

He added that he has also sent an official letter social insurance institution. – I received information from ZUS that I cannot get an answer to my citizen's question, because “I want to clarify that the information you are requesting does not refer to public information in the sense of the provisions of the law. she said.

We ask a very specific question (…) is a woman with 30 years of work experience, a legal pensioner, who decided, after retirement, to come to Poland, live in Poland and at the same time be awarded the minimum Ukrainian pension, or maybe after one day's work with a commission contract Or did you get the right to receive the minimum Polish pension under the employment contract after one month of work? – said Placek at the press conference.

– If this turns out to be true, we will demand to change these rules. this is not allowed. This will show the common legacy of absolutely harmful policies of both the Platform and PiS, because the Platform made this agreement, then governed for many years with this unfavorable agreement, then PiS did not change anything for 8 years, and now this. He is lying. If it turns out that this is what Grzegorz Placzek is reading, as it follows from our research and as the opinions of Ukrainian citizens themselves, who spread this information among themselves – said Krzysztof Bosak.

Also read:
Polish pension for Ukrainians. “One contribution to ZUS is enough”

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