The echo does not stop Statements by Jan Pietrzak on the actions of the German government related to illegal immigrants.

– Here, I have a cruel joke with these immigrants. They hope the Poles are ready because we have barracks. We have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Štutovo. Here we have many barracks built by the Germans. And that's where we'll keep these immigrants who illegally force us Germans. People running for a better world are not outlaws. The government that let them in is illegal. So Germany is illegal. Their slogan welcoming newcomers was illegal, extra-contractual and inconsistent with the law. This is an illegal activity in Germany. Next year we have to be sensitive about it, because it seems that they are starting our heads a lot and it annoys me – said the satirist and publicist on Telewizja Republika.

These words caused a wave of indignation and criticism. There is a reaction from the National Broadcasting Council. “I have ordered to start the verification process regarding the program of the TV company “Republic” in which Mr. Jan Pietrzak appeared. The procedure involves the KRRiT office asking the broadcaster to record the program and respond to the complainants' allegations. Then the record is analyzed. Based on this proceeding, the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council (as a body) will decide on further actions. This is standard procedure– wrote the head of the National Broadcasting Council, Machiei Svirski, on the X website.

Pietrzak's “Cruel Joke”. The prosecutor's office started an investigation

Earlier, as the portal reported, the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office started an investigation into the words of Jan Pietrzak.

– According to the order of the General Prosecutor and in connection with the notifications received at the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office, today a case was started regarding the statements of the participant of the program on December 31, 2023 on Telewizja Republika. (…) Currently, the collection of evidence in the case is underway. The proceedings are ongoing, meaning no one has been charged, said Szymon Bana, a spokesman for the Warsaw District Attorney's Office.

The investigation will be conducted under Article 257 of the Criminal Code, which refers to “public insult of a group of people due to national and ethnic affiliation”. The punishment for this is three years of imprisonment.

Also read:
Voshi: They want to close the media system, that's why they are worried about the “Republica” TV company.

(tags translated)świrski

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