The regional prosecutor's office of Szczecin has already prepared an indictment regarding corruption in the specialized hospital of Szczecin. Alfred Sokolowski. Tomasz Grodzki commented on the charges brought against him by the investigators on TVN24. – I will not be surprised if the court sends back this strange indictment or does not want to consider it at all – he said.

There is an indictment against Tomas Grodzki. The politician comments on the accusations

The act concerns 30 people and according to the investigators, he was the initiator of the whole procedure Tomasz Grodzki. Services accuse doctors of reducing queues for surgical treatment of obesity. Grodzki commented on the prosecutor's accusations on TVN24.

– I don't know the indictment, but what the press secretary of the Szczecin prosecutor's office, Zbigniew Ziobro's favorite, told me, I have the impression that these are the last steps of the Ziobro prosecutor's office, – he said.

– This prosecutor's office hunted me for four years because I represented the Senate, which was a thorn in the PiS government. I am sorry that 30 wonderful doctors, innocent people are suffering such repression just because they cooperated with me, he added.

– There is no talk of corruption there. It is said that the hospital received money not from the hospital, but from the municipal fund, which was spent on the purchase of equipment and training of doctors. No one took money there, he said.

“I wouldn't be surprised if the court throws back this strange indictment or doesn't want to hear it at all,” he concluded.

The prosecutor's office issued a special statement on Grodzki's case. “When around 2005 surgeon Christoph K. suggested the need for Tomasz G. to perform bariatric procedures at the hospital, he was informed that this was only possible if he received financial benefits from the patients,” we read.

According to investigators, Grodzki allegedly received payments of PLN 10,000. PLN, refers patients to the Transplantation Assistance Fund. “He then instructed Krzysztof K. to require the patients to pay an amount determined by Tomasz G. as necessary to perform the bariatric procedure,” prosecutors added.

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