The Szczecin delegation of the Central Anti-corruption Bureau completed the investigation of… Specialized hospital named after Prof. Alfred Sokolowski in Szczecin-Zdunow.

The local prosecutor's office issued a statement about this Corruption was taking place there and it was related to the implementation of bariatric procedures (surgical treatment of obesity). The incidents allegedly occurred between 2008 and 2019 (in 2017, the facility became part of the provincial hospital).

Patients must enter at the front of the queue. All you had to do was pay

It should have been like this: the patients paid PLN 10,000. PLN instead Their admission to the hospital outside the formal waiting list and performing the procedure, the cost of which was reimbursed from the National Health Fund. Payments from patients were received in the account of the Transplantation Support Fund in Szczecin and through it were partially transferred to the doctors employed by the hospital.

Patients who donated money They had to do the operation in a few months after the payment was announcedAnd for others, the average waiting time was about two years.

Prosecutor's Office: The idea was initiated by the senator

The founder of this method of receiving payments from bariatric patients was B Senator and late Speaker of the SenateThen the director of the Zdunov hospital and the founder of the foundation “who actually made decisions within this organization”.

quoted by the prosecutor's office The situation in 2005 Which would prove the politician's active participation in corruption.

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After that, the surgeon Krzysztof K. allegedly advised Tomasz G. about the necessity of bariatric procedures in the hospital. “He received information that it was It is possible only if financial benefits are obtained from patients“- said in the statement.

“During the next negotiations Tomasz G. indicated the entity that should receive the payments, i.e. Transplantation Assistance Fund and set the payment amount at PLN 10,000. zloty. He then instructed Krzysztof K. to require the patients to pay the amount determined by Tomasz G. as necessary to perform the bariatric procedure,” added the prosecutor's office.

Corruption in the hospital. There is a motion in the Senate

During the course of the investigation, a motion to approve it was submitted to the Senate Impose criminal responsibility on Tomas G.

“The indictment included – he acted on the orders and instructions of Tomas G. Krzysztof K., Presidents of Transplantology Aid Fund – Juliusz P. and Bartosz K.Fund accountant – Urszula M. and 26 people, Providing financial benefits in exchange for speeding up the procedure,” the press release said.

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Other people who should have made the payment They have not been charged with corruptionbecause they “voluntarily disclosed all relevant circumstances of the crime in which they participated.”

Investigators found that the payments had been made to a Transplant Assistance Fund account 217 patients for more than PLN 2.3 million. “He is suspected of corruption crimes and the so-called in money laundering shall be punished by imprisonment from one to 10 yearsand the accountant – a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years (both punishments can be imposed jointly)”, the prosecutor's office wrote.

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