As a result, I don't share the outrage that the “new people” are doing exactly what the “old people” did, and we've got evidence that the status quo is being maintained after a “good change”.

Perhaps it will happen, but it is not yet the right moment to tell.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Psychologists helped us design furniture – Piotr Voelkel – Business Class #11

Promise and reality

Magdalena Roguska joined the Supervisory Board of Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych. He is an activist of the Civic Platform, the treasurer of the capital branch of the party. He recently ran for the Sejm from the lists Civil coalition. Currently working Ministry of Internal Affairs And the administration is the head of the political service of the minister.

Roguska meets the requirements to be on the supervisory board of a state-controlled entity (he has an MBA), but – let's be honest – he is not a prominent supervisory expert, nor does he specialize in PWPW's areas of activity.

Especially since the civil coalition promised in its 100 specifics: “In companies with a share of the state treasury. We will dismiss all members of the supervisory and management boards. We will make new hires through transparent competitions in which competence, not family or party ties, will be the key.

Minister's eyes and ears

I admit that I do not believe that the promise will be fulfilled. if this happens This will be the first time in several decades that the ruling parties will not take the sinecure of a state-dependent quasi-business.

However, I believe that we still do not have enough samples to say that the new rulers have already messed up and failed to fulfill their word and they are the same as their predecessors.

I see a difference between creating a mechanism that allows activists to make extra money at every little company that the Treasury can hook someone into, and letting the Minister's eyes and ears into a company that matters. functioning of the state.

in other words, I am not, nor am I offended by the fact that the most important state agencies will have one representative of the corresponding minister.whose main competence will be to trust the minister.

Magdalena Roguska is just such a case. Claims that he ended up in PWPW because of his extraordinary skills are a myth that Civil Coalition activists are now clumsily trying to debunk. He ended up on the label's board of directors because of his extraordinary political connections. And this is not an accusation against Roguska.

His task will be to carry out the interests of the state treasury, as the minister understands (yes, I am joking a little).

Millionaires Club

The real test will come soon. If it turns out that, for example, the PWPW includes only party nominees – Yes, it will be a step PISon

If it turns out that in small companies, the existence of which we only learned from press texts about PiS web and “good change” millionaires, safe depositories for KO activists will be created, Poland 2050. PSL– Hey, on the left Yes, it will be a step in the position of PiS.

If only people with close ties to the ruling parties are appointed to the company's governing boards – Yes, it will be a step in the position of PiS.

Finally, when we see some division of the spoils between the ruling parties in state-controlled companies – yes, that will be a trace of PiS.

Except it didn't. I understand the concern of those who are muttering to themselves at this point that “it hasn't happened yet”. At the same time, I want to believe that this has not happened and will not happen. This is the belief of a naive person.

Either way, it's good that people are paying attention to those in power. when you were going to elections With the slogan of doing better than the predecessors, now we have to put it into practice.

Patrik Slowik is a journalist for Wirtualna Polska

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