On Wednesday, the head of government met with journalists to deliver the news. Among others, Donald Tusk spoke about: Estimated date Local self-government elections. At one point, a journalist from Telewizja Republika asked what the compensation mechanism would be for moving an additional number of illegal immigrants.

– Regarding the position of the Polish government in the European Union, we will not accept any coercive mechanism and I want to assure you that Poland will not accept illegal immigrants through any such mechanism. We will not accept migrants, Tusk said.

The exchange of views on migration was preceded by both the journalist's and Tusk's appeals to Jan Pietrzak and his scandalous words regarding migrants.

“The Trzaskovsky Doctrine”

Mariusz Blaszczak, head of the PiS club, commented on Donald Tusk's conference. In his opinion, the outrage caused by the question posed by the journalist of TV Republika shows that the “Trzaszkowski doctrine” has come into force, which the mayor of Warsaw expressed in the sentence: “It is this election that we. Do not always ask these types of questions.”

“At the Tusk conference, a circle of mutual admiration and great indignation over an important question about migrants from the TV company “Repubblica”. That's why Tusk wanted a #pomedia coup. Blaszczak writes on X.


In a later note, the PiS politician recalled the planned January 11 rally against Donald Tusk's government's actions against public media.

“Tusk is brave only when he is surrounded by Yes-men. On January 11, at 16:00, in front of the Seimas, we will jointly express our opposition to the censorship and illegality introduced by the coalition on December 13,” he wrote.

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“This is illegal.” Blaszczak: We submitted a motion of no confidence to Sienkiewicz
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Blaszczak hits Holonia. “Will they also be invited to the Seimas?

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