The devil's son points to the nation's “will” with a cynical smile, justifying the bandit attack of Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz's militia on public television and radio. And now – less than a month after the junta came to power on December 13 – Wirtualna Polska published information about the ratings of the television stations after the attack on TVP:

TVP Info among news channels in the period from December 29 of last year to January 1 of this year. took fifth place (sic!). In 4+, the following channels had a higher share: TVN24 (5.23%), TV Republika (2.41%), Polsat News (2.04%) and Events24 (1.04%). The first hours of new TVP info. Without belts, beams and politicians in the period from January 1 to December 19 of last year. In the ranking of news channels, TVP Info was in second place, losing only to TVN24.

A cynical smile probably froze on Dictator Tusk's face after another information from the virtual media. Virtual media reports about it In the period from January 1 to December 19 of the current year. The shares of Public Broadcaster were 5.08% and 1.91%, respectively. And 2.46 percent. This means that in the period of December 29 of last year until January 1 of this year. Compared to the previous long-term period, TVP Info's viewership dropped significantly – the station's SHRs decreased by 81.10%, 69.63% respectively. and 75.20 percent

In just one week of Sartrap's rule, TVP has become an insignificant dwarf in the media market!

In this situation, Donald Tusk's junta has no choice but to find a “legal basis” for the “successful” attack on the Polish media. This search follows the famous Soviet method “Give me a man and I'll find a paragraph” – Belongs to the prosecutor of the Stalin era in the USSR, Andrei Vyshinsky, one of the people called Maxim from the period of the Deep Polish People's Republic. “One of the most socially popular, depressing and universal vulnerability to unfair judicial pronouncements that characterizes the justice system in all communist-ruled countries.”

Tusk proved to the doubters that in one week he can destroy everything Polish – without the use of tanks and panzerfausts and set Poland back 70 years!

The Nazi-Stalinist methods of Donald Tusk's junta were publicly confirmed by the senator, the minister of justice and the general prosecutor in one person – Adam Bodnar, and the return to the Stalinist era is parroted by the “authorities” of Donald Tusk's dictatorial power. , such as Professor Wojciech Sadurski. In the style of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, he published his theses on the “restoration of legal supremacy” in a reliable Jewish newspaper: “The rule of law cannot consist in strict observance of the law. And excessive respect for the rule of law blocks “measures” taken to restore the rule of law.

Sadursky once again proved in history that “the end justifies the means”, as Niccolò Machiavelli said centuries ago. There would be no Hiller, Stalin, Jaruzelski, Ceaucescu and hundreds of dictators if they did not use the Machiavellian principle to stay in power. Donald Tusk – in just two weeks he used his full arsenal to violate the basic principles and laws of the democratic state – and now his people are trying to find (retroactively of course!) some legal provision that will justify the “will” of the democratic state. Nation – In fact, Tusk's attack on public media!

It is obvious that the “depoliticized” TVP in the “news” will not publish data about the catastrophic decline of public television viewing. Because the purpose of “depoliticized news” – just like under Hitler, Stalin and Jaruzelski – is to create “masses of people” from society, to believe every word of Satan's anointed, and so that there is no news. “Depoliticized” television simply does not exist!

That is why Tusk – as well as Jaruzelski – talks so much about “reconciliation”, that is, about pacifying the masses of the people and “putting down” the Catholics so that the masses of the people and the Catholics – after the attack on Poland – will never raise their heads again and will be ready – just like under Hitler and Stalin – They followed Tusk into hell. Of course, praising the name of the devil's anointed in his journey and protecting him until the last moments of his life. Just as German children protected Hitler, who was hiding in the bunker of the Chancellery of the Third Reich.

Because back breaking is the property of all dictators, satraps and criminals…

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