Maciej Orłości is back at TVP, again the host of “Teleexpress”. The journalist showed a photo from the Polish TV studio and said when the first episode of the program with his participation will be broadcast. “P.S. This is not a photomontage!” – he assured on Instagram.

Maciej Orłości returned to TVP. He revealed when the first episode of “Teleexpress”.

Maciej Orłości announced his return to TVP via Instagram. He published a photo from the TV studio and told us when we will be able to watch “Teleexpress” with his participation.

“Thursday, January 4 at 5pm. Maciej Orłości, please visit Teleexpress. PS This is not a photomontage!” – we read in the attached description of the photo.

Even earlier, the head of the television news agency, Grzegorz Sayor, announced the return of “Teleexpress” in an interview with Wirtualne Media.

– We are limited only by technological considerations. Woronicza is a great place, but a bit unsuitable for newscasts, he said.

In Sam Orlo He confirmed a return to the station in time for Christmas. At the end of his “WTS News” program on YouTube, he said: – Look! Yes, it's true: I'm coming back to “Teleexpress” and I'll see you soon!

At the turn of November and December, Maciej Orłości was a guest of naTemat. Then he said Behind the scenes of leaving TVP, after Jacek Kurski took over the TV company.

– I didn't leave television because the right-wingers “took power” there. If he just ran the media honestly, I'd be there, he said.

– I just knew that I can work honestly and there are people who rule Poland. It was all about the unacceptable style, rudeness, propaganda actions and breaking the journalists' spines, he added.

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