Gabriel Severin died on November 28, a few hours after being taken to the hospital. His funeral took place in Glogov on December 6. The funeral ceremony was held in an intimate circle in the temple. The designer's mother did not attend the ceremony due to her health condition. Now he decided to share his thoughts on saying goodbye to his son.

Gabriel Severin's mother backstage at the funeral. “All my pension is gone”

Funeral service for Gabriel Severin It took place on December 6 in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Krzepovo. The mother of the designer did not attend the farewell ceremony of her son due to her health deterioration.

The relationship between the designer and his mother cooled a little in the last months of Gabriel's life. The senior appeared in some episodes of the show “Life Queens”, but their relationship weakened when the designer started a new relationship.

The expenses related to the funeral ceremony turned out to be a significant financial burden for Mrs. Barbara. “ZUS gives only PLN 4,000 and it was not enough. All my pension also went in this direction– he said on the website

A fight at Severin's funeral?

His last was at Gabriel's funeral Camille's partner. According to the information of the portal The man did not have the best relationship with Gabriel's family. An informant of the website, who was supposed to attend the funeral, said that there was an argument between the “Queens of Life” heroine and her daughter-in-law. fights.

“There are many misunderstandings about the funeral. The family did not hire security. Camille hired security because she is very afraid of something or someone. The place was reserved mainly for the family. You can see in the photos that two are empty. There are no seats for the absent relatives, and Camille is standing guard by the coffin. She tried to be the first to leave the funeral. Once this situation occurred, “My son-in-law took it as a thread and threw it away” – we are reading.

Gabriel's mother was said to have been saddened to hear what happened at the funeral. “Through Camille, they're showing the family in a different reality than it is. That they're closed, that they're surrounded by patronage… It's not cool. It reflects very badly on Gabriel's family, who never had closure. For any privacy. Gabriel was very open.” – added the informant.

“Camille is trying to usurp the right that she is the only one who has to grieve, trying to show that she is more important than the other mourners. His family, his closest relatives, could all say goodbye, but he was too afraid to come. with protection. Gabry's mother was sad when she heard what a circus happened at the funeral,” he concluded.

Robbery at Gabriel Severin's apartment. and says what is missing

As we wrote in naTemat, after the holidays “Super Express” contacted the Legnica District Prosecutor's Office. the spokesman said The latest on the death of the “Queen of Life” star.

“Glogov district prosecutor's office is responsible Investigation into the intentional murder of Gabriel S. On November 28, 2023 in Glogov. In terms of determining the cause of death, the results of additional examinations are still awaited after the autopsy, which together with the results of the examination will allow expert doctors to comment on the cause of death of Gabriel S. “The investigation is ongoing,” said Lydia Tkachizin.

Shortly after that, Gabriel Severini's sister reported that a burglary had occurred at the house of the late designer.

– I can confirm this There was a theftBut I can't say anything more at this stage. The case was reported to the prosecutor's office – said the woman in conversation with the poodle.

Only Gabrish's valuable clothes were lost, and the remaining items remained intact. This may indicate that The criminals knew what they would find In the apartment and in what places – he added.

– I also confirm Locks need to be replaced. The first time we did it was the day before the funeral to collect things from the apartment for the funeral. We had to do this because we didn't get the key to the apartment Mr. Camil (Gabriel's last partner – ed.), despite many requests. After the invasion, we changed it for the second time. We also had to change the locks in the workshop, he explained.

Who was Gabriel Severin?

For many years, Severin led the village in the old town Glogov fur workshop. His media career started in 2016. With my then partner Rafal Grabias Participated in the reality show “Life Queens”. TV viewers could watch his professional and personal life for several seasons.

Meanwhile, the long relationship between Severin and Grabias ended. Then Gabriel started a relationship with Camille, who is 25 years younger than him.

Let's add that in September of this year, the fur designer told his fans through the social network His atelier will go bankrupt. This was due to lack of users. The star felt it strongly. – I love my work, but something died in me – he admitted.

According to information provided by, it happened on November 4 Bailiff's Auction at Gabriel Severin's Fur Atelier. Various items were up for sale, including a semi-automatic leather sewing machine with an estimated value of around PLN 6,000, starting at PLN 4,500, and a table top leather sewing machine valued at around PLN 1,000. Starting price PLN 750. That's not all.

Items up for auction also included: The works of Gabriel Severin. It was available for purchase fur, valued at PLN 18,000 (starting price PLN 13.5 thousand), a leather set of a jacket and a skirt costs PLN 3000 (starting price PLN 2.25 thousand), a men's leather jacket PLN 2000 (starting price PLN 1.5 thousand), as well as a leather jacket (2, 00 PLN). starting price PLN 1.5 thousand) and a biker jacket with a print estimated at PLN 2.5 thousand (starting price PLN 1875).

Let's note that earlier funeral Severin's anonymous friend said in an interview with “Fact” that “Polish Versace” He used drugsAnd above all methamphetamine. In naTemat, we explained what the physiological effect of this substance is. We have provided a list The most common symptoms associated with an overdose.

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