The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached an agreement in December to revise EU rules on asylum and migration. It assumes that member states will have the choice to agree to the resettlement and reception of migrants and the so-called Solidarity contribution.

Tusk: Poland will not accept migrants

Law and justice policymakers warn that the new EU mechanism could lead to the de facto forced movement of migrants. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Donald Tusk says that Poland will not agree to such decisions. The head of the government said that, as the president of the European Council, he was really against “forced solidarity”. He did not change his position and for this reason “Poland will never be part of such a mechanism”.

– I want to recall what we have had to deal with in recent years: tens and hundreds of thousands of migrants, who were also brought here through a corrupt mechanism when it comes to issuing Polish visas. This was a real problem, he said at the press conference.

– The end of this phase of this era of PiS and Kaczynski rule also means much greater security when it comes to the uncontrolled influx of migrants, including migrants who consider themselves legal, thanks to the terrible visa mechanism that PiS has provided Poland. he added.

The head of the government said that Poland will not accept the “mechanism of forced movement of migrants”. – I want to assure you that Poland will not accept illegal migrants through such a mechanism. We will not accept any migrants, he added.

Brussels wants changes

Gazeta Polska Dzień reports that they have already started in Brussels informal negotiations About the so-called equalization mechanism for the migration package.

As we read, “countries that have so far avoided forced quotas on arrivals from outside the EU are expected to have to accept more of them in the coming months than, for example, Germany, France or Italy, where migration is a problem. is too big.”

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