Charmaine Obaid-Chinoy is directing the upcoming Star Wars film. Chinoy said viewers can expect more female perspectives. As expected, this announcement did not sit well with many fans of the world created by George Lucas.

More female perspectives in the new Star Wars movie

about his plans for a franchise film “Star Wars” Sharman Obaid-Chinoi spoke about this in an interview with CNN.

– I am very excited about this project, because I feel that we will create something special. It's 2024 and it's time for a woman to step in and shape the stories from the galaxy long ago – said the Oscar-winning director of short films such as “Burnt Face Clinic” (2012) and “River Girl: The Price of Forgiveness” (2015) ) or two episodes of the series “Ms. Marvel”.

He has already received negative comments online, accusing him of being a representative of Disney's PR department, which in recent years has been trying to introduce an inclusive policy into its productions.

Let us remind you that the main character of the last “Star Wars” film trilogy was Rey, who is played by Daisy Ridley (“Bubble”, “Moving Chaos”). The actor will also star in the latest production directed by Chinoy.

Interestingly, the last series created by the universe George Lucasso “Ahsoka” Centered on a female character, it was highly praised by fans and critics.

“On both sides of the argument (and the Force) we also have ex-Jedi and their students (this is a very female series, there's never been so many good and bad heroes in one entry in this franchise), which makes it all the more. interesting, more interesting” wrote Bartosz Godzinski in a naTemat review.

“Marvels” caused hatred

Let us remind you that this is not the first time when a large production focused on female characters causes negative reactions from fans. It was the same in the case “wonder”.

“Boys, mostly huge fans of a given franchise, hate movies with women. Yes, all men, not all movies. “Movies for women”? Cool. They just don't watch them on principle (although they will later. Curious from the second last room, because on the sofa They won't sit down: they won't watch nonsense). But stay away from “their movies”: superheroes, thrillers, science fiction. In them, men should drive, women can help and look beautiful” – Ola Gers wrote about this in his text.

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