On Wednesday, the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) announced the fine it imposed on T-Mobile Polska. They are the result of advertisements for the prepaid offer “1200 GB free for one year”. The company's statement raised doubts in the office.

T-Mobile huge fine from Competition and Consumer Protection Office

The resulting advertisements appeared, including on billboards or city lights at public transport stops. They were on display ATMs and on payment terminals – in Polish and Ukrainian languages.

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According to the Competition and Consumer Protection Service The operator misled the users in this way. The ads suggested that the data package was free. However, in fact, according to the disputed offer, the customer received 100 GB every month, provided that he topped up the account with at least PLN 35 per month.

For a year, then The customer had to top up the card with PLN 420. However, information clarifying this issue was written in small print at the bottom of the ad.

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection fined T-Mobile Polska more than PLN 25 million for violating the collective interests of consumers. Information about the decision of the President of the Office will be published on the T-Mobile Polska website and will appear on the operator's profiles in St. social media. It will be in two languages: Polish and Ukrainian, as consumers who speak those languages ​​were also misled, the Competition and Consumer Protection Office said in a statement.

T-Mobile will appeal the fine

The decision on the fine is not final. T-Mobile has the option to appeal this Court. The company announced this in a statement.

After a thorough analysis of the grounds for the decision of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, we strongly disagree with the form and amount of fines imposed on T-Mobile Polska within the framework of the procedures. We also announce that we intend to appeal this decision within the time limit stipulated by the regulations – T-Mobile said.

The company assured that it cooperated with the Office at all stages of the proceedings and on its own initiative changed the communication in the contested offer, in accordance with the guidelines of the Competition and Consumer Protection Service. As he stressed, he was also willing to compensate clients who had comments on the way the offer was communicated. He also noted that there were only two such people.

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