On New Year's Eve, more than 100 people gathered near TVP headquarters. It was a “fussy” defense of public television, even though Antony Macierewicz was speaking and Jan Pietrzak was singing. It is similar in other cities in Poland, although everywhere we hear that the protests of PiS supporters regarding the changes in the media continue. But what are they really like? And how does this relate to PiS's big announcements about the Free Poles protest to be held on January 11? Because, for example, only more than 100 people protested in Lodz.

– It will be January 11 Demonstration in Warsaw. I hope it turns out. We hope that this will be a serious demonstration and many of our citizens will realize that the situation we are in is dangerous, he said. Yaroslav Kaczynski. Arrived from Christmas PIS They live on this impending rebellion to protect TVP.

“We call on all Poles who are close to the ideals of freedom to participate Protest of free Poles“- the party calls on social media and PiS MPs do it in local media.

– This objection can be expressed by leaving Warsaw. It will be before the Seimas A huge revelationWhere we want to express the will of free Poles – he called on the Malopolska radio station Member of Parliament Iosefa Shcurek-Zhelazko.

Mariusz Blaszczak has already announced that “people from all over Poland will come to the protest.” – We hope that the Poles will actually reject the “13 December coalition”, that they are against it, that they are in favor of freedom of speech. And this freedom is being violated – he said on Radio Zet.

However, the media is already wondering if this activity will happen. Because just seeing how PiS supporters have been protesting “to protect TVP” until now, there is no big craze across the country.

Here's what this uprising looks like outside of Warsaw.

Gdansk – 400 people, Wroclaw – 500

On January 2, in front of the provincial building, st Gdańsk About 400 people gathered. – “Free media! The eagle cannot beat the red crow! This is Poland! Down with Communism! We will defend it! Shame! Down with Tuskism!” – they shouted, quoted by the website trojmiasto.pl.

– We will chase these Genghis-Qain Mongols and we will win – shouted MP Katzper Plaziinski.

Earlier, back in December, when the new Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz Released the authorities of TVP and Polish Radio, several dozen people gathered in front of the TVP headquarters in Gdańsk.

Protest actions, as heard in different cities, will be until January 11 or will be cyclical.

We are going to the last one – the third one Wroclaw More than 500 people gathered. And again, as reported by Gazeta Wrocławska, “more than 500” because “they could not fit the TV parking lot on ul. Karkonoska”.

“No to appropriation of the media”, “No to the destruction of the Polish army”, “No to the destruction of the CPK project”, “No to illegal immigration” – they chanted.

“Republica” TV station reports that people held a protest rally in Wroclaw.

PiS deputies and councilors attend or organize protests everywhere. One gets the impression that they are mainly participants in this manifestation.

It was the same in other cities

Remember spontaneous gatherings Supporters of PiS It started after December 20. And even then, as the media reported, they were not very numerous. For example, according to Polsat, once in front of the headquarters of the regional branch of TVP Krakow Six people protested and entered Rzesov two. IN Kielce several dozen. Similarly in Opole. and V Katowice 20-30.

“Demonstrations in defense of Polish TV all over the country!” – the portal of the Karnovsky brothers announced at that time. “Mobs” still managed Show ex-group of TVP.

Recent demonstrations in other cities have certainly been more numerous, but is there anything to be proud of at TVP after eight years of PiS narratives?

For example, inside Zielona GoraAround 250 people recently protested in front of Radio Zachód's headquarters.

IN RybnikIn front of the building of the Silesian University of Technology in Rybnik, where TVP Katowice is based, more than 20.

In Lodz – more than 100.

“Several dozen people, with Polish flags, once again protested in front of TVP 3 Białystok headquarters,” Bialystok Radio reported a few days ago.

We check further southeast. A few days ago, according to “Dziennik Wschodni”, as a sign of protest… Lublin At least several hundred people participated, “and according to the organizers, even a thousand people.”

“Many PiS politicians, including a deputy, appeared at the headquarters of the Lublin branch of the TVP. Przemyslaw Charnek or Marshal of the Voivodeship Yaroslav Staviarsky“- reports the website of the newspaper.

But is that too much for a region full of them? PiS voters?

Opinions and analyzes have already appeared in the media, whether it will be enough for PiS to attract more people.

We cannot achieve much with just a few dozen people. If these protests continue like this, I do not predict success. So it's probably a good idea Demonstration in Warsaw. Maybe it will attract more voters,” one PiS activist told Onet.

Time will tell if it catches on.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/531580,tvp-informuje-o-tlumach-na-protescie-internauci-pozanie-zdjecia

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