The program “19:30” was about PiS's motion of confidence in the Minister of Culture, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, who is responsible for changes in the public media. The author of the first article compared the statements of Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Donald Tusk, who welcomed the action announced by the President of Law and Justice in defense of the former TVP order as a “millionaires' march”.

law and justice He demands the dismissal of the persons responsible for the changes Polish television Head of the Ministry of Culture Bartholomew Sienkiewicz. The largest opposition party presented the proposal on January 3 Motion for declaration of confidence For the minister who in his narrative “attacked the public media” and thereby “undermined democracy”.

“19:30” mocks the “Millionaires' March”

in a new news release “19:30”which replaced the propaganda of “Wiadomości”, journalists referred to the demand of PiS and compared the statements of the party president. Yaroslav Kaczynski and the premiere Donald Tusk. The author of the first “off” did not hide his attitude towards the PiS idea.

The reporter based his material, among others, on Kaczynski's statement from the first press conference after the New Year. In his speech, the leader of PiS said, among other things: about the freedom of the media and the coming “March of Free Poles” on January 11, that is, the protest against the new government organized by PiS.

There will be a demonstration in Warsaw to defend freedom of speech, freedom of the media and simply democracy. Because today we have a real problem of democracy, Kaczynski said during a meeting with the media. – “Millionaires' March”, that's what it's usually called. “Millionaires' March” on January 11 – commented on the words of the right-wing leader Tusk regarding the income of the former directors of the TV news agency from the PiS era.

Shocking earnings of former TAI bosses

The Prime Minister described the PiS demonstration “Millionaires' March”, because – as the material added – “the income of former TVP employees can be counted in millions”. Immediately after Tusk's announcement, a huge billboard appeared on TV screens, showing the aforementioned income of the former heads of TAI:

  • Michał Adamczyk PLN 1,500,237 total,
  • Jaroslav Olechovski 1,424,075 PLN total,
  • Marcin Tulicki PLN 713,694 total.

– President Kaczynski cannot accept a situation where television is unavailable to him or his party companions. They really did what they wanted there. And found very compliant contractors – the head of government was quoted as saying.

In the content of “off”, the author of the material stated that now “as Prime Minister Tusk declares” the state of public media should change, because “they will no longer be on the phones of politicians”.

– We will not give up a single step here. We will do everything to free this space from an extremely partisan model – the following words of the Prime Minister were heard by the audience.

Also read:,protesty-przed-budynkami-tvp-i-pr-w-polsce-tak-wygladaja-zrywy-ludzi-pis

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