Wirtualna Polska reveals that Law and Justice is changing the date of the “Great Conference of Patriotic Forces” scheduled for January. The event was announced by Yaroslav Kaczynski himself on Independence Day. It turns out that the event will be held on a different date, which is dictated by the new PiS strategy.

Journalists from Wirtualna Polska have established that the “Patriotic Congress” of PiS will not take place in January – as originally announced. Yaroslav Kaczynski – But February 24. “WP” refers to anonymous politicians in its stories law and justice.

– The conference was moved to February. In my opinion, it was good, because we have a demonstration in Warsaw on January 11, a lot of things are happening in the “current”. And the end of February is a good time, because we will already be in the local government campaign – explains the PiS source.

“Patriotic Congress” of PiS was moved to February

According to the editorial team, today's opposition politicians have high hopes for the congress, especially since some party activists have not yet come to terms with the loss of power. Future events are an additional impetus for closing ranks local elections.

– Many of our people are thinking intensively about local self-government elections. It is not only power, but also work. And the new coalition is clearing the field, so we have to push and fight, says the PiS activist honestly.

“The event is organized by Czarnek”

The noisy announced “Congress” was also unknown until now. According to the journalists, “the planned event will not have an international character”. It is mainly about the integration of the right wing of Poland.

– This will happen in February. The organizer of the event is Przemysław Czarnek and it is better to ask him for details – another PiS politician says.

The general secretary of PiS will be responsible for the event together with Charneck Piotr MilovanskyHeir of Krzysztof Sobolewski.

A new opening for PiS?

The patriotic grouping should have been like a new opening for PiS after the elections. He announced it solemnly November 11 in the Sokol Hall of Krokova, President Yaroslav Kaczynskiwho then talked about “German hegemony”, threats coming from the European Union and the need to fight for sovereignty.

– Every great action must start somewhere, it must have a certain starting point, one can say: the moment of ignition – the leader of PiS explained.

Initially, the date of the event was announced for January. However, the specific date or other details about the conference have not been announced so far.

– We want a conference of all patriotic forces to be held in Warsaw in January, even patriotic, but in a broader sense of the word, Kaczynski addressed.

– This should be the beginning of using our latest technologies to communicate with as large a part of society as possible, especially with those who will be the initiators and moderators of the different types of activities that we will have to carry out. said the right-wing leader.

Was the Congress delayed by the “Millionaires' March”?

One of the impulses postponement of the event can be planned January 11 Another PiS demonstration. Next week, a demonstration of “Free Poles” will be held in front of the Seimas, including: “In defense of public media”.

Head of the PiS club Mariusz Blaszczak We have to assume that there could be more such protests, unless one of them turns out to be a flop. According to WP, PiS arranges transportation for party activists across the country. Although experts do not predict the crowd, the party expects at least 10,000 participants.

– Thanks to our involvement in protecting public media, we have closed ranks and abandoned internal disputes in the name of a higher cause. This, paradoxically, helped us – summarizes the editor's interlocutor from PiS.

The Prime Minister welcomed the upcoming PiS protest “to protect the media”. Donald Tusk “Millionaires' March”. This is a reference to the huge salaries of the employees of the TV company during the government united right. It includes: About Millions of earnings of the former heads of the television news agency – Michal Adamczyk (PLN 1,500,237 gross) and Jaroslav Olechovski (PLN 1,424,075 gross).

Also read: https://natemat.pl/534296,19-30-drwi-z-marszu-milionerow

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