The website writes about the case and notes that it has been known for several months The year 2023 will end with a historic result in terms of the number of bankruptcies of individuals. This is confirmed by the data of the Central Economic Information Center, that is, the tracking data of subjects published in the National Register of Debtors.

A record number of consumer bankruptcies in Poland

COIG reported 1,632 posted in December statements About the bankruptcy of the Poles. this 16 percent over 12 months ago. Still fewer than in October, when 2,072 bankruptcies were filed. This result is also the highest number of bankruptcies in one month.

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See also: We are facing a wave of bankruptcies in 2024. “Costs have a big impact on the food industry”

in the last quarter of last year A total of 5406 people benefited from the bankruptcy law. This is another recordwhich deleted the result of the first quarter of 2023 from the statistics.

However, the number increased by exactly 21,000 over the course of the year. bankrupt. The youngest of them was 9 years old, the oldest was 93 years old. Overall, the average age to file for bankruptcy is 49.

Slightly more men among bankrupts, according to the COIG, indicates that bankruptcy was filed slightly more often by men. In 2023, 10,885 of them declared personal bankruptcy (51.83%), and women – 10,115 (48.17%). The highest number of bankruptcies was recorded in Silesia and Mazovia Voivodeships.

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