“As in the September 2022 survey, there remains a large gap between refugees arriving in 2022 and earlier immigrants. Among pre-war immigrants, 94 percent were people in various forms of work, and in the case of war refugees, it was 64 percent. In particular, former immigrants were much more likely to work permanently (77%) than refugees (36%), on the other hand, a significant number of refugees were still unemployed – looking for full-time or part-time work. Compared to the September 2022 survey, the labor market situation of war refugees from Ukraine has stabilized after an initial significant improvement from May to September 2022,” reads the report “Life and economic situation of migrants from Ukraine in Poland in 2023. Research report”.

among refugees from Ukraine Men clearly perform better than women in the Polish labor market, with men more often working full-time (44% vs. 33% for women) and less likely to be unemployed (15% vs. 27%).

Where do refugees work?

“Previously, immigrants were relatively more likely to work in occupations that required specialized qualifications, but not higher education. This percentage was similar to the share of people who reported that they did simple work. Refugees who came and worked in Poland were found to have relatively higher education on average. For this reason, they worked in occupations that required higher qualifications slightly more often than earlier immigrants. On the other hand, the vast majority of refugees did simple jobs that did not require qualifications,” we read further.

About 21 percent of pre-war migrants earn up to 3,000 PLN monthly net pay for work in Poland, among working refugees this percentage is twice as high as 48%, indicating that their economic situation is more difficult. .

“Wages earned by immigrants in Poland generally do not reflect the formal education received in Ukraine. Regardless of the level of education (higher, secondary, primary), the median net salary earned in Poland is slightly below 3,500 PLN. Research on gross wages in Poland indicates that in Poland they differ between microfilms and among larger companies”, we read further.

Social beneficiary

Some migrants' household budgets are supplemented by Polish social benefits, which are used by 31% of pre-war migrants and 53% of refugees, according to the Polish National Bank.

“The most frequently mentioned benefit is the 500 plus program. It is used by 44 percent of refugees and 28 percent of pre-war migrants,” we read further.

The survey of migrants from Ukraine was conducted in the period from May 8, 2023 to July 7, 2023. The survey was conducted in each voivodeship, in at least four of the eight specified categories (eg companies, offices, collective housing). points). The percentage of respondents in each of these places did not exceed 30%. A total of 3658 surveys were collected.

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