The information was released by the Polish Press Agency on Thursday.
Regarding the final sentence, the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, said: the issue of the expiration of the parliamentary mandate Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik of the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber of the Supreme Court.
Judge Dalevski's decision
The application was submitted to the Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court after Supreme Court Judge Romuald Dalewski, who was supposed to hear Vesic's appeal to the Labor Chamber about the termination of the Sejm Speaker's decision, independently decided to postpone the proceedings.
– In my opinion, the decision rendered today by Judge-Rapporteur Romuald Dalewski is void, because it was issued by a single collegium, only the Judge-Rapporteur-said the President of the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court in an interview with Onet. Prof. Piotr Prusinovsky. As he explained, a three-person panel was appointed to consider the case.
The Extraordinary Control Chamber of the Supreme Court could not meet the conditions of independence and impartiality of the European Court.
Vasik and Kaminsky were legally sentenced
We remind you that in December, the former head of CBA and the former Minister of Internal Affairs, Mariusz Kaminski, and his former deputy, Maciej Wąsik, were sentenced to two years in prison for the so-called Land scandal.
Therefore, the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, signed the decision to terminate the parliamentary mandates of Kaminski and Vesik, who represent the Law and Justice Parliament.
PiS politicians do not recognize the court verdict. Both of them, according to the procedure, They appealed to the Supreme Court.
In turn, President Andrzej Duda indicated in a letter to the speaker of the Seimas that as a result of the application of the amnesty law to Kaminski and Vesik in 2015, there was no basis for the expiration of their mandate.