The newspaper “Gazeta Polska Codzinnie” reports that Brussels is preparing a compensation mechanism for the migration package.. What does it mean?

Beata Kempa: Brussels authorities have introduced a mechanism that is a kind of punishment if countries resist accepting refugees. This is their only way out of the crisis that the member states, especially Germany and France, have prepared for themselves. If Poland does not want to accept migrants, it will pay fines, and if it agrees, it must accept much more than the media says, because the number of these people must be equalized.

Who is the main driver of these ideas?

Germany and France. Because of the crisis, these countries are trying to do everything before the new term to let the voters know that they are doing a lot to end the crisis. Hence the idea that if there are countries that oppose the relocation system, they will start harming the citizens of those member states.

However, Donald Tusk claims that Poland will not accept migrants.

Brussels will then try to force Poland to pay the fines, but only if the government opposes the relocation mechanism. However, I believe that they will give in and accept the migrants. Brussels has not done everything to convince Donald Tusk to take power to block their ideas. They will tacitly agree to this, just as they once did when the migration package was voted through using the powers of the EPP. In the end, Tusk is again evacuated from Poland to a high and well-paid EU job.

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