More money for the chancellery of the Sejm and the Senate

The so-called budget funds also include the employees of the Seimas and the Senate. So they can also expect 20%. raises. However, both bodies need more money to fulfill the government's promise. That is why the draft of the budget act introduced changes aimed at guaranteeing them.

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Already at the end of December 2023, MPs sitting in the Committee on Rules, Parliamentary Affairs and Immunities announced that a change would be needed to increase the budget of both Chancelleries, which would include funds to finance the remuneration of Chancellery officials from the planned 12.3. % to 20 percent

Therefore, Thursday is suitable The chairman of the regulatory committee, Yaroslav Urbaniak, made changes to the draft budget act on this issue. (Civil coalition). They consider that the budget of the Chancellery of the Sejm should increase by almost 8.5 million PLN, and the budget of the Chancellery of the Senate – by 3.5 million PLN. The amount will be from the special purpose reserve.

However, the author of the amendments emphasized that the money should be used to finance the increase in salaries of officials. However, the salary is increasing It will not cover the salaries of parliamentarians and the highest positions in chancelleries.

Will MPs get more?

In addition, the Chancellery of the Seimas is also considering a one-time increase in the accommodation costs of foreign MPs. Warsaw. At the moment there are 3 thousand. PLN per month and a proposed increase of 14.4%. – that is, the average annual inflation rate for 2022 – will increase it to 4000. PLN per month.

More money for the chancellery in the budget act

The changes will be voted on at the Public Finance Committee meeting on Friday. KFP should submit the report on the budget bill by January 5. Five days later, the second reading of the bill will be held at the plenary session of the Seimas. The vote on the entire act is scheduled for January 12.

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