then press conference Regarding PiS politicians: former head of CBA Mariusz Kaminski and his deputy Macie Vesic, Shimon Holovnia once again spoke about the issue of the expiration of parliamentary mandates. This time, the Marshal of the Seimas presented his perspective on this issue in six points. The note was posted on his profile on X.

Holavnia: They are criminals

We read the following statement: “1. Messrs. Wasik and Kaminski are criminals. 2. The decision to terminate their mandate was made on December 28. 4. The Supreme Court, affected by Ziobro's distortions, has fallen into procedural chaos.


Eichart: Vasik and Kaminsky are not deputies

The Ministry of Justice commented on this issue earlier. – Their mandate has expired. The case is in the Supreme Court, the appeal case is not about it, the Supreme Court will not decide whether the MPs are or not. It carries out only the formal control of the decisions of the Speaker of the Seimas, but not the essential control,” said the Deputy Minister of Justice. Maria Eichart asked about the Supreme Court decision on Thursday.

– is the final decision of the court, by which they were sentenced to absolute imprisonment, and this is the basis for the execution of this sentence. Therefore, for the time being, nothing can protect them from this punishment. Of course, we know that the president can pardon, he has the right to do so, we don't know what decision he will make and when he will make it,” he said in a conversation with journalists.

Office of the President's Chancellery

However, as stated in the President's office, Andrzej Duda thinks that he has already pardoned both politicians, so “Macie Vesic and Mariusz Kaminski, if they are put in prison, we will treat them as political prisoners, because there is no doubt that we are dealing with political retribution.

“I don't know where the information is coming from that the president will give in and sign the pardon of Maciej Vesic and Mariusz Kaminski for the second time,” writes Grazina Ignačak-Bandić, the head of the legal firm.

Convicted by final judgment

In December, Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik were sentenced to two years in prison for their actions in the land scandal. PiS politicians do not recognize the court verdict. Both They appealed to the Supreme Court.

Marshal Holonia referred the issue of the expiration of the parliamentary mandates of Kaminski and Vesik to the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance of the Supreme Court. The application was submitted to the Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court after Supreme Court Judge Romuald Dalewski, who was supposed to hear Vesic's appeal to the Labor Chamber about the termination of the Sejm Speaker's decision, independently decided to postpone the proceedings.

A heated discussion started on Thursday around this decision.

Also read:
Storm over Vesik and Kaminsky Mandates. Giertich reacts
Also read:
Mech. Kvashnevsky: the Speaker of the Seimas de facto admitted that he determines the composition of the judges

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