Thirteen-year-old Dorian Kural from Krakow is a competitor Sports club Albertus. He has been coming to practice regularly for several years, not just to play football.

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– To meet friends here, exercise, laugh and be silly sometimes. Play a match against each other after practice. Sometimes we have more difficult training, sometimes tactical training that tests us, he says.

– Children stay at home very often. My wife and I decided to let our son play in a club. This caused him to withdraw from television and the media, and was simply involved in sports. I can't imagine giving up on exerciseEspecially in this sports club. Please believe me, the boys are doing their best to make this happen Restore the field to its original state – adds Marzena Winiarska-Kural, mother of Dorian, a football player of Albertus Krakow.

Krakow. Wild pigs completely destroyed the field

The Krakow club pitch remained Almost in the middle of December was completely destroyed. A herd of wild boar entered there. In search of food, the animals destroyed the grass.

– We have been training in this club for most of our lives, for example, I have been playing for eight years. We've always had a great pitch, one of the best in fact. There was room for development and room for training. Now for real Everything is broken – admits Marcel Goshiei, a player of KS Albertus Krakow.

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This happened for the second timeEarlier, almost two years ago. Then the damage was much smaller. We try to manually change the situation on the field, but it is not enough – adds another player, Ian Tos, in an interview with “Intervention”.

The presence of wild boar in the city is not only a problem for the sports club. The consequences of the increasingly frequent visits of these animals are also felt by the residents and gardeners of Czyzyn in Krakow.

A wild boar is causing problems for the residents of Krakow. “Around Massie”

The wild pig problem has existed in our garden for years, but this year is special. The fence should be repaired and a new one built. Obviously, we need to increase contributions and We are very afraid that we will not be able to handle it. The problem is really serious and has been observed more than once – notes gardener Jan Volak.

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– The problem arose three years ago. We did a lot in Krakow, we came up with the so-called down, because that's what it's called We caught hundreds of wild boarsWe returned to Nipolomitsi Forest. Three years ago The minister banned the export of wild pigs due to African swine fever. This ban is still in force and has become a problem – explains Dariusz Nowak, representative of Krakow City Hall.

As he adds, “He's always ready.” Municipal Police. – Trying to scare the wild boar, but it's all over the place, Maciej, because there are hundreds of wild boars and hundreds of interventions and it happens all the time. From our side, this is the best we can do. The remaining items are in the hands of the minister or even hunting clubs

– We have estimated about five thousand square meters of turf About 70 percent of the field was damaged. First, we flatten it, remove the sand, and then sow. All these treatments are extended over time. Fifty thousand zlotys is the amount that will allow us to restore this facility to its original values ​​- says Markin Gargas, a field maintenance specialist.

“Someone cuts a polite fence”

The costs are high and we simply cannot afford themWe are a small, truly regional club that we are only trying to develop. Someone “polite” lets these wild pigs in By cutting the fence in our area. We do them all the time, but after each repair we see the results of human activity. Are we bothering anyone? Apparently yes, but I don't know what causes it – adds Krzysztof Steck, member of the board of directors of KS Albertus Kraków.

There was light at the end of the tunnel for the young athletes while the report was being prepared. The city authorities presented a proposal to the club leadership for “intervention” in front of the camera.

– I spoke to the president's plenipotentiary for sports, and he told me that he cannot give this money directly, but if they organize competitions, sports, any kind of event in this institution, he can financially support them by giving it. Time subsidy – explains Dariush Novak.

Football players announced to collect money on the Internet To cover the cost of repairing the pitch. They believe that thanks to the help of the city and the fans, they will be training in their own stadium again.

Video material from “Intervention” is available. here.


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