On Thursday evening, Republic TV, of course, again attracted many supporters of law and justice to the screens. The main event of the evening at this station was a conversation between Danuta Holecka and PiS Vice-President Mariusz Kaminski. Despite the final conviction, the politician assured the audience that he was an innocent victim.

as many times We mentioned it on naTemat.plAt the end of December 2023, Vice President law and justice Mariusz Kaminski and his faithful companion Maciej Wąsik Heard the final verdict on the violations they allegedly committed when they headed the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau years ago.

Both politicians were sentenced to the same sentence – two years in prison and a 5-year ban on leading positions in public institutions. Then it was issued by the Marshal of the Seimas Decisions on the expiration of the parliamentary mandate. In this way, Shimon Holonia fulfilled the obligation arising from art. 249 § 1 of the Election Code.

Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vasik were legally sentenced, and what next?

However, Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik claim that not all of these decisions apply to them. According to PiS politicians, it was legally effective The act of mercy granted to them by President Andrzej Duda eight years before the final verdict. This position, of course, contradicts what was finally announced a few months ago The Supreme Court decided.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is hearing the appeals filed by Kaminski and Vesik against the decision to terminate the parliamentary mandate. And this is the moment when the scandal surrounding them is compounded by the “reforms” of the justice system that the PiS government and President Duda have introduced to Poland in recent years.

If it were not for the chaos created in the Supreme Court, there is no doubt that the case for the release of PiS politicians should be considered. Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs. However, currently it is created by the so-called Judges – Appointed by the new National Council of the Judiciary, whose existence and activities cause – to put it mildly – a “dispute in the doctrine”.

Therefore, the Marshal of the Sejm considered it appropriate to skip this group and forward the appeals. Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance. However, Wąsik's case is called “Judge Who”. He decided that it should be handed over to IKNiSP. after which This chamber quickly overruled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas.

The fate of Kaminski's mandate was to be decided by the plenipotentiary judges of the IPiUS Supreme Court, but they were deprived of their right to decide on the matter by the decision of the President of the Criminal Chamber, Zbigniew Kapinski. On behalf of the first President of the Supreme Court, Malgorzata Manowski, he concluded that The dismissal of the PiS vice-president will also be evaluated by the neo-judge IKNiSP..

And this is only part of the controversy… It is a separate topic Should Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik be arrested and taken to prison? for the purpose of serving the legally proportionate punishment and that How should Marshal Holavnia act now amid the chaos in the Supreme Court?.

Kaminsky on Holetska in Republic TV: I am an innocent, untried person and I am a member of the Seimas

Meanwhile, the main character of this whole scandal has nothing to blame. Mariusz Kaminski appeared as a guest on Thursday evening Television Republicwhere he gave an interview Danuta Holekka. – In the eyes of the law, I am an innocent and unpunished person and I am a member of the parliament. This is my real status. It's questionable, of course, he told the audience.

The Ministry of Justice has a completely different opinion. – They are not deputies, their mandate has expired. The Supreme Court will not decide whether they are MPs or not. The Supreme Court only exercises formal control over the decisions of the speaker of the Seimas, not the substance. The statute clearly states that a deputy cannot be convicted with a criminal sentence, therefore, when they were convicted, their mandate expired – the deputy minister was indignant. Maria Ezhart-Duba at the press conference held in Seim on Thursday.

– The police should immediately arrest both men and transfer them to the nearest penal institution. They just need to stop. This happens in all cases. This will happen this time as well, said Adam Bodnar's deputy.

However, such a situation has not happened yet. Mariusz Kaminski's visit to Republika TV was another proof that convicted PiS politicians still enjoy freedom.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/534395,szymon-holownia-powiedze-ws-kaminskiego-i-wasika

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