Harvey Stevens was a teenager when he appeared as Damien, the Antichrist, in the first installment of The Omen. He reportedly convinced the crew that he was right for the role when he was asked to play one of the parts, and the boy kicked the director in the groin and started punching him. A truly satanic trick.

In 2013, scientists from Northeastern University, headquartered in Boston Conducted researchfrom which it was found that “People have more compassion for abused puppies and adult dogs than for adults. The only exception is here children“The fact that adult crime victims receive less sympathy than children, puppies, and adult dogs suggests that adult dogs are perceived as dependent and vulnerableAs well as their younger canine colleagues and children” – concluded Jack Levine and the Irving and Betty Brudnick Professors of Sociology and Criminology at Northeastern University. The results of this study provide a partial explanation Why do we care so much about the fate of animals and children? In the movies we watch (of course there are more factors). We literally don't want anything bad to happen to them.

However, if we make an exception to this rule, it would be the movie “Prophecy” This would be a good example. It's true that we don't see helpless puppies here, but instead we do Damienwhich Antichrist.

“This is a play Harvey Stevens As the young Damien, he gave the film a coolness of real credibility,” wrote David Parkinson of Empire Magazine about the film. “Omen contains several The most memorable untimely death in film historyAnna Baddell from the British “Daily Telegraph” notes.

movie “Omen” since 1976 A year is passing now Rotten tomatoes Rate 84% among critics and 80% among viewers.. It's a classic. It's no wonder it's had three sequels, one remake, and now horror fans…get a prequel.

New Old Antichrist

It just appeared online “first sign” The first trailer of the new production 20th Century Studioswhich shows how the devil's son sneaked into our world.

“A young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the Church. However, she encounters a darkness that makes the woman question her faith and discovers a terrible conspiracy from the birth of evil incarnate” – this is the description of the film, which can be found on IMDb, movies, series and The world's largest online database of their creators.

We will see him in the main role Nell Tiger free (“Worker“), and will be responsible for directing Arkasha Stevenson, who also co-wrote the film. It's worth noting that this will also be Stevenson's full-length debut, which could indicate that the studio is focusing on “young blood” and may not be expecting too much from the producer (this is just my guess).

Does the film match the atmosphere of the original? The film must meet one important condition. What is it really about?

It could happen to you too

He was the director of the movie “Omen”. Richard Donner. This name is quite associated with the cult series Friends-police movies “Lethal Weapon”or less famous “Guns”.

Interestingly, he was also the director of the first two parts of the adventure Superman with Christopher Reeve. This shows that he was able to adapt to completely different film genres – achieving significant success in each of them.

Apparently Donner wanted to avoid showing anything during the filming “Supernatural” scenes – However, the film itself was about the birth of a potential child of Satan.

All the troubles, the mysterious and cruel death of the heroes had Let's remember tragic accidents, simple coincidences.

So “The Omen” was a bit like that “deceited fate”Until someone came up with the idea of ​​this other famous horror series.

Here he played one of the main roles Gregory Peckwho played the senator and Damien's adoptive father, the boy he would eventually try to kill.

It's hard to say what convinced Peck to take part in the film – but it's worth noting that the actor himself was grieving at the time. A few months earlier, his son had killed himself.

He played the role of Damien, the Antichrist Harvey Stevens, who was five years old when he starred in the film. The boy convinced the director during the casting He hit him in the groin and started punching him.

To be clear: Patara played only one scene in the film. However, he did it very convincingly.

One could speculate that “The First Sign” might shed some light on the story of Damien's real mother, who dies in childbirth in “The Omen” and ends up in the said senator's family through adoption.

The curse of “The Omen”?

Paradoxically, the first “omen” could help… Unfortunate accidents and tragic coincidenceswhich haunted the people involved in the project during the shooting of the film.

“The plane with the producers and actors was struck by lightning. Peck miraculously escaped death, because one day he did not go to his favorite restaurant in London when a bomb planted by the IRA exploded there. The specialist's girlfriend died in the car (beheaded). The accident after the premiere of the film .from special effects – and the like”Mateusz Zimmerman, author of Onet.plA fragment of the text dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the production of the film “The Omen”.

It should also be noted that the premiere of the film was held: 6.06.1976. So I tell you the truth that marketers have done their job in conceptually promoting production.

on a separate one Thank you clause What it deserves is the soundtrack of the film that was created Jerry Goldsmithwho won an Oscar for it (the only one in his long career).

unholy trinity

Someone once remarked that the 80s dominated horror movies slashers with expressive type antagonists Freddy ul. Elm If no Jason from Crystal Lake. In the 1990s, teenage horror films appeared thanks to Scream, but almost two decades earlier, cinema had devils and demons – or rather children under the rule of hellish forces.

“Rosemary's Baby” (1968), the exorcist (1973) and mentioned “Prophecy” (1976) Creation unholy trinity such pictures. Each of them has gained cult status, which can be commented on by a famous Internet slogan: There are no coincidences, only signs.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/511327,najwazniczy-z-egzorcyzmow-jak-film-williama-friedkina-wplynal-na-horror

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