Columnist Marek Krol suggested on Republican TV that migrants arriving in Europe should be “chipped” or tattooed with numbers. An excerpt of his statement was published online, sparking an avalanche of criticism.

The republic itself has already distanced itself from the speeches. “We deeply disagree with the statement made by editor Marek Krol on our channel,” Michal Rachon wrote in a statement.

before that Jan Pietrzak's words caused a wave of indignationwho spoke on this channel about the actions of the German government regarding the reception of illegal migrants.

The Auschwitz Museum reacts

The Auschwitz Museum also commented on the king's words about migrants.


“Auschwitz was the only German camp where prisoners had numbers tattooed. In the fall of 1941, Soviet prisoners were marked like this, from March 1942, Jews and Poles were transferred from Auschwitz to Birkenau, and from the beginning of 1943, other prisoners. “we read in a note published on the X platform.

Boycott the station

In response to the king's words, the store IKEA and mBank said they were suspending advertising on Republic TV.

“Thank you for your signal. We have checked with the media house Wavemaker, which is responsible for buying advertising time in the media on our behalf. It turned out that TV Republika was recently in the package of thematic stations offered by Polsat. The package was purchased as a whole, so we were not aware of the offer change. From tomorrow, there will be no more ads for us on TV Republika,” he wrote on Wednesday on the Polish profile of the Swedish shopping chain. X website.

The post was in response to a post by a netizen who asked why the company is funding “television propaganda: homophobia, racism and xenophobia?”

mBank announced a similar boycott decision. In response, some publicists announced their resignation from the Swedish network's services.

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Bad start for “new” TVP info. A record drop in viewership

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